
Entrepreneurship and brand design seminar series at IFTM for the 2022 Idea-cation Competition

Universidade de Turismo de Macau
2022-11-11 21:10
  • Liana Lao

  • Grant Lou

  • Fernando Lourenco(sixth from right)

  • Micah Au

  • Mann Lao

The Youtube video is unavailable

IFTM has just completed the 4-day seminar series as one of the event highlights of the Idea-cation 2022 competition, to provide valuable knowledge to the participants. This seminar series included a broad range of professional speakers from various sectors: Mr. Mann Lao shared his insights related to commercial brand design; Mr. Micah Ao shared his experience of brands development; Dr. Fernando Lourenço provided a range of creativity and entrepreneurship tools to participants; Mr. Grant Lou provided valuable information about doing business in the Greater Bay Area; and finally, Ms. Liana Lao delivered a workshop on social media marketing and the use of Key Opinion Leader (KOL).

The Idea-cation competition was established last year aiming to stimulate entrepreneurial thinking in Macao. In this competition, participants must work in teams to attend a 3-day Bootcamp in November at IFTM to develop ideas with the support of experienced mentors prior to the final pitching competition judged by industry leaders. The theme for this year’s competition is “Innovative Recovery Strategies”. Contestant teams are expected to research and propose ideas to support participating local brands and businesses spread across five tracks: 1) cultural and creative products; 2) fashion jewellery; 3) fashion apparel; 4) health and skincare products; 5) strategies against adversity (open-track). On the final day of the competition, a range of respected judges from the industry will be evaluating each pitch to pick five gold awards. This year’s competition attracted 26 teams with a total of 85 participants, 23 teams from local HEIs and organisations and 3 teams from HEIs from Mainland.

Event website: https://www2.ift.edu.mo/ideacation/index.php/details

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