
CCAC detects alleged false asset declarations made by public servants

Commission Against Corruption
2024-03-27 15:01
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The CCAC received a report claiming that two public servants of the Social Welfare Bureau violated the provision of exclusivity by engaging in part-time work and provided false information in the declarations of assets and interests, thus allegedly violating the Legal Regime of Declaration of Assets and Interests.

The two public servants involved have joined the public service for more than a decade. Upon investigation of the CCAC, it came to light that the two persons, without making prior application to their department for engagement in part-time work, had been engaging in wedding services for reward and privately operating the relevant business together for a prolonged period of time. According to the findings of the CCAC’s investigation, there was evidence that the duo took risks and made false declarations deliberately despite their knowledge that prior permission must be obtained for engagement in part-time work and that details and incomes of part-time work must be truthfully specified in the declarations of assets and interests.

The two public servants involved were suspected to have committed the crime of “inaccurate data” provided for in the Legal Regime of Declaration of Assets and Interests. The case has been referred to the Public Prosecutions Office for handling. Moreover, the two public servants were also subject to disciplinary liability pursued by their department for the contravention of the provisions of exclusivity and the duty of not carrying out incompatible activities observed by public servants.

The Legal Regime of Declaration of Assets and Interests has been promulgated and entered into force for more than two decades. The CCAC reminds all the personnel obliged to submit the declarations that they should pay due regard to and seriously observe the relevant law provisions. They are advised to make true declarations and not to defy the law.

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