
UM’s Global Leadership Development Programme now open for enrolment

University of Macau
2019-05-27 15:36
  • UM’s Global Leadership Development Programme is now open for enrolment

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The seventh module of the Global Leadership Development Programme Series: International Integrated Resort Management, co-organised by the University of Macau’s (UM) Asia-Pacific Academy of Economics and Management (APAEM) and Rikkyo University (RU) in Japan, is now open for enrolment. The programme will take place in Tokyo from 4 July to 7 July. This year’s theme is ‘Strategy and Innovative Value for Integrated Resort in Japan with Minimum Social Disruption’. All are welcome.

Glenn James McCartney, associate dean (curriculum & teaching) of UM’s Faculty of Business Administration (FBA); Ricardo Siu, an associate professor in the faculty; and Robin Chark, interim head of the Department of Integrated Resort and Tourism Management of the FBA, will be the keynote speakers.

For the first time, this programme is partnering with Rikkyo University, the best university in the field of tourism education in Japan. The four-day module will be focused on the current development of integrated resorts in Japan. Participants will have the opportunity to learn theoretical knowledge about both gaming and non-gaming management, applied economics for leisure industries, as well as gaming psychology and responsible gaming. In addition, participants can join a site visit to the Tokyo Disney Resort to learn about the crisis management operation and management model of a large-scale entertainment complex.

This module is specially designed for senior executives working in international integrated resorts or the gaming industry, senior government officials, as well as scholars, researchers, senior consultants, and administrative personnel in related fields. Those who are interested should submit a completed enrolment form and required documents to the APAEM by 10 June. To learn more about the programme or to download the form, please visit the APAEM’s website at http://apaem.um.edu.mo/. For enquiries, please call 8822 4694 during office hours.

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