
DSEC director conversed with students

Statistics and Census Service
2019-05-27 15:59
  • DSEC director conversed with students

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The Director of the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC), Ieong Meng Chao, gave a sharing session titled “A Dialogue between Students and DSEC Director: Let the Numbers Speak” at Pooi To Middle School and Pui Ching Middle School on 16 and 21 May respectively. About 200 students joined the event in which the Director shared his knowledge and insights on statistics, promoted scientific thinking among the students and encouraged them to explore the world through statistics.

Director Ieong said that we are in the age of information where the internet allows us to access a vast amount of information, including statistical data and analyses, anywhere at any time. He advised the students to learn to distinguish between real and fake data and avoid being misled by false information. In the event, Director Ieong talked about problems commonly encountered in the application and interpretation of statistics by using interesting real-life cases, and shared tips on how to correctly interpret statistical data. He encouraged young people to learn to think rationally from different perspectives, not to blindly believe in fake or unsubstantiated statistics, and to carefully explore the truth behind the data.

During the Q&A session, Director Ieong responded to a wide range of questions raised by the students with regard to statistical projects, statistics activities for secondary students, career opportunities for statistics graduates, etc. He noted that statistical data analysis has been increasing important across different industries, and advised students to equip themselves with practical statistical knowledge to increase their competitiveness for the future.

Director Ieong hoped that the event could help enhance young people’s knowledge and interest in statistics. He encouraged young people to observe more, think more, improve their rational decision making skills and analytical skills, and to solve problems in a scientific and objective way.

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