Verified CE Election result published in MSAR Gazette
Government Information Bureau
2024-10-21 10:29
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The verified result of the sixth-term Chief Executive Election was today published in the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR) Gazette. That was after the Court of Final Appeal verified the result and confirmed Mr Sam Hou Fai as the elected candidate.

The sixth-term Chief Executive Election was held on 13 October. In view of the fact no appeal for judicial review regarding the election process was filed within the statutory period, the Court of the Final Appeal – in accordance with provisions of the Chief Executive Election Law – verified the election result and named the elected candidate.

According to the general audit results of the Chief Executive Election, there was a total of 400 registered members of the Chief Executive Election Committee, and 398 members of the Chief Executive Election Committee cast their respective vote on election day.

Mr Sam won the election with 394 votes, representing 98.99 percent of the total votes available. There were four blank ballots.

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