CE meets Portugal Minister of Justice to strengthen ties
Government Information Bureau
2024-06-11 20:05
  • The Chief Executive, Mr Ho Iat Seng, meets with the Minister of Justice of the Portuguese Republic, Ms Rita Alarcão Júdice, at the Government Headquarters in Macao.

  • The Chief Executive, Mr Ho Iat Seng, poses for a photograph with the Minister of Justice of the Portuguese Republic, Ms Rita Alarcão Júdice, during a meeting at the Government Headquarters in Macao.

  • The Chief Executive, Mr Ho Iat Seng, poses for a photograph with a delegation led by the Minister of Justice of the Portuguese Republic, Ms Rita Alarcão Júdice, during a meeting at the Government Headquarters in Macao.

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 The Chief Executive, Mr Ho Iat Seng, met with the Minister of Justice of the Portuguese Republic, Ms Rita Alarcão Júdice. They exchanged views on promoting cooperation between Macao and Portugal in judicial and economics and trade matters.

During the meeting held on Monday (10 June) at the Government Headquarters in Macao, Mr Ho observed that Macao and Portugal had deep ties and friendship, with the Portuguese language and culture being an important part of Macao’s unique advantages.

In terms of the legal system, Macao had long adopted the continental law system. The Chief Executive said since its establishment nearly 25 years ago, the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR) has strictly implemented the principles of “One country, two systems” and the Basic Law of the MSAR. It also based its legislative work on existing laws and tailored them according to its own needs. Mr Ho expressed gratitude to the Portuguese Ministry of Justice for its strong support in relation to the recruitment by Macao of Portuguese judges and prosecutors.

At the meeting, the Chief Executive briefed the Minister on the ongoing efforts in the development of the Guangdong-Macao Intensive Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, saying the zone aimed to complement Macao’s appropriate economic diversification effort. The legal regulations in civil and commercial matters in the Cooperation Zone were being gradually aligned with Macao’s, offering broad prospects for future development.

Mr Ho said he looked forward to continuing the exchanges and cooperation between Macao and Portugal in the fields of economics, trade, tourism, culture, healthcare, and education. In particular, he encouraged Portuguese technology and “Big Health” companies to explore business opportunities in Macao and in the Cooperation Zone, fostering mutual development.

Minister Júdice said she was honoured to visit Macao on the occasion of the Day of Portugal, and the 500th anniversary of the birth of Luís de Camões. She hoped that the visit would further strengthen the exchange and connection between Portugal, Macao, and other Asian regions in the field of judicial affairs.

Ms Júdice said the Ministry of Justice had long been committed to promoting judicial cooperation between Portugal and Macao, and would continue to make further efforts to advance the cooperative relationship between the two sides. She expressed appreciation for the work of Portuguese judges, prosecutors, and legal professionals in the MSAR, and thanked the MSAR for supporting them.

In addition, Ms Júdice expressed gratitude for the continuous promotion of Portuguese-language education in Macao by the MSAR Government, which brought closer ties between the two places. Regarding ongoing collaborative projects between tertiary education institutions in Macao and Portugal – including those in the fields of the “Big Health” industry and high technology, she acknowledged the wide range of cooperation between Portugal and Macao and hoped for further strengthening of exchanges and collaboration. Portugal also looked forward to deepening its friendly relations with China through the Macao platform for China-Portugal cooperation, added the Minister.

The meeting was attended by the Secretary for Administration and Justice of the MSAR Government, Mr Cheong Weng Chon; the Consul-General of Portugal in Macao, Alexandre Leitão; and the Director of the Office of the Minister of Justice of Portugal, Ms Elsa Martins.


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