Education and Youth Development Bureau
2020-02-01 22:48
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Due to the continued development of the novel coronavirus epidemic, the DSEJ has announced that the date of resumption of classes of secondary, primary and infant education, special education and recurrent education is postponed, as well as the operation resumption date of private tutorial centres and continuing education institutions is synchronously delayed. To cooperate with the SAR Government’s recommendation for the overall epidemic preventive measure, i.e. no gathering of crowds and no mobility of people, the DSEJ constantly communicate and discuss with the persons-in-charge of various schools. Except for the personnel who need to maintain the basic operation of the school or to handle needs, it is ensured that no teachers or staffs return to school for school meetings.

The SAR Government has launched a series of epidemic prevention measures and is concerned about the health status of students, teachers and staffs. Previously local residents have been called on to return to Macao as soon as possible and quarantine themselves at home. Schools are expected to call on, once again, students, teachers and staffs to quarantine themselves at home before 2nd February, avoid extending their stay in abroad or travelling abroad again so as to protect the health of individuals, families and the general public. Meanwhile, they should cooperate with the overall epidemic prevention measures of the SAR Government as well as cooperate with the school’s related arrangements for working from home and supporting students to study at home, etc. To support schools to make arrangements for students to study at home through e-learning platforms so that “Classes are suspended, yet learning will continue”, the DSEJ proactively provides schools in need with technical support for e-learning platforms.

To care about students’ mental health during the class suspension period due to the novel coronavirus epidemic, the DSEJ cooperates with the subsidised student counselling institutions to set up a hotline during the class suspension period to provide students and parents with emotional support and counselling services. The information of various service institutions and the schools that they provide service, the counselling support hotline numbers and the service time is in the attachment. Besides, there are also counsellors at the Centre of Psycho-pedagogical Support and Special Education under the DSEJ, providing non-group counselling services during the class suspension period (Telephone: 28401010), students and parents in need can call during office hours.

The DSEJ hopes that schools, education institutions, students, teachers and staff can cooperate with the overall epidemic prevention measures of the SAR Government to fight against the epidemic, and jointly contribute to preventing the spread of the disease and early suppression of the novel coronavirus epidemic.

Attachment: Counselling Support Hotlines of Student Counselling Service Institutions

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