
Identity card replacement for the elderly holding contact-based electronic identity card without expiry date

Identification Services Bureau
2017-09-28 18:01
  • Elderly persons holding contact-based electronic identity card without expiry date can replace their identity card

  • Elderly persons can use self-service kiosks to lodge the application for replacing their identity card

  • qr code for obtaining “tag number of the day” or making appointment

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The Identification Services Bureau (DSI) will begin to replace the contact-based electronic identity card without expiry date with the contactless electronic identity card for the elderly on 9 October 2017.  The replacement exercise is not compulsory.  Macao residents whose contact-based electronic identity card is not stated the expiry date (which means that “------” is displayed as the expiry date on the identity card) can apply for the contactless electronic identity card on a voluntary basis.  Even though the elderly persons do not replace their identity card, their contact-based electronic identity card will still be effective, only they cannot use part of the “DSI Service Station” mobile application.

To avoid waiting, elderly persons can make an appointment in advance or use the self-service kiosks for lodging the application.  Besides, in order to provide convenience for elderly persons to lodge the application, DSI will cooperate with organizations to send officers to centers and homes for the elderly in Macao to provide on-site application service.  The onsite application process is expected to take one year to complete.  Other interested associations and organizations can also contact the DSI to arrange for the service.  In addition, if applicants prove their financial incapability, they can be exempt from the application fee.  As of September 2017, approximately 37,000 elderly persons are eligible to replace their identity card, and approximately 485,000 Macao residents have replaced their contact-based electronic identity card with the contactless electronic identity card.

Applicants can start obtaining the “tag number of the day” through DSI’s website (https://webservice.dsi.gov.mo/om/onlinebooking_index_c. html) or self-service kiosks at 7 o’clock in the morning of working day.  Also, applicants can make an advance appointment through DSI’s website, enquiry and appointment hotline (2837-0777 or 2837-0888), self-service kiosks or Ticketing and Service Counter at DSI.

For details about the application formalities of the Macao SAR Resident Identity Card, self-service kiosk for renewal of permanent resident identity card and self-service kiosk for making appointment and ticketing, please visit DSI’s website (www.dsi.gov.mo).

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