Electoral Affairs Commission receives objection on revised list of candidate teams
The Electoral Affairs Commission for the Legislative Assembly Election
2017-07-25 16:19
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The Electoral Affairs Commission for the Legislative Assembly Election is to adjudicate regarding an objection filed on Monday (24 July) – the deadline for such objections – regarding the revised general list of candidate teams.

According to Article 35 of the Legislative Assembly Election Law, testimony from trustees of any election team that is either the initiator or target of an objection must be submitted within two working days. Following that period, the Electoral Affairs Commission has a further two working days to make its adjudication on such an objection.

Once an adjudication is made on the outstanding matter, the Electoral Affairs Commission will on 31 July post in its office at the Public Administration Building a general list of accepted candidate teams.

Should there be any objection to the Electoral Affairs Commission’s adjudication, trustees of an affected electoral team are entitled – under the Legislative Assembly Election Law – to file legal proceedings in the Court of Final Appeal, before the end of the working day immediately following the day of publication of the general list of accepted candidate teams.

If no legal proceedings are filed, a definitive version of the general list of accepted candidate teams will be published by the Electoral Affairs Commission on 2 August.

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