
Government to recover five more idle plots of land

Government Information Bureau
2015-06-17 18:18
  • Secretary for Transportation and Public Works, Mr Raimundo do Rosário, meets the press.

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Secretary for Transportation and Public Works, Mr Raimundo do Rosário, has said that the Government would soon revoke the concessions leases of five “idle plots” of undeveloped land.

He made the announcement after a meeting of the Committee for Land and Public Concession in the Legislative Assembly on 16 June, when the Secretary also disclosed that the Government has received objections from leaseholders of 18 sites earlier classified as “idle plots”, which had failed to develop according to the time and terms stated in the agreements.

The Government was also studying the situation of another nine cases on whether they met the classification of “idle plots”.

And after comprehensive study and hearings, the Government had rescinded the decision on 16 plots that were previously classified as “idle plots”, the secretary said.

He said the Government had always paid more attention to ensure that all leased lands are used properly and would nullify the concessions if it breached conditions stated in the agreements.

To make better use of resources, the Government had in 2009 started the processes to recover land that was leased but not developed, and has so far handled 48 plots.

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