
Chief executive appoints new UA, UC members (updated version)

University of Macau
2014-07-30 19:00
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In accordance with the Chief Executive’s Dispatch No. 221/2014 and No. 220/2014, the chief executive of the Macao SAR has appointed the University of Macau (UM) University Assembly (UA) members and University Council (UC) members for the new term. UM is confident that, under the leadership of the new council and assembly, the university will be able to continue to go forward. UM also expresses gratitude to Dr Tse Chi Wai, who soon retires as chair of UC, for the significant contributions he has made to UM.

Members appointed for the next term of UA are: Ng Fok, Vitor Ng, Stanley Ho, Lei Pang Chu, Siu Yin Wai, Zhou Li Gao, António Ferreira, Maria Edith da Silva, Ma Iao Lai, Susana Chou, José F. Pereira Chan, Leong Vai Tac, Ho Iat Seng, Joaquim Jorge Perestrelo Neto Valente, Wong Chi Seng, Wong King Keung, Liu Chung Laung, Lao Ngai Leong, Cheng Kar Shing, D. José Lai, Fok Chun-Wan, and Kong Tat Choi; New members of UC include: Lam Kam Seng Peter (Chair), Lei Pui Lam (First Vice Chair), Wong Chong Fat (Second Vice Chair), Lau Veng Lin (Treasurer), Anabela Fátima Xavier Sales Ritchie, Tong Chi Kin, Ma Chi Ngai Frederico, Kou Kam Fai, Chui Sai Peng, Au Chong Kit, Leong Heng Teng, Ho Iat Seng, Vong Hin Fai, Yeung Tsun Man Eric, Huen Wing Ming Patrick, and Choi Koon Shum. UM is confident that, under the leadership of the new council and assembly, the university will be able to continue successful development and to achieve its goal to become a first-class university, serving the needs of higher education to Macao, China, and beyond.

UM is pleased to note that the new chair of UC, Dr Lam Kam Seng, has been a well recognized leader in local, national, and international communities. He is a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), representing Macao residents in that important national forum. He also currently serves as a member of the SAR government’s Executive Council and as president of the Macao Science Centre, making tremendous contributions to the economical, societal, and educational development in Macao and beyond. In particular, over the last four years, serving as chair of the Campus Development Committee under UC, he has played a critical leadership role in UM’s new campus project. He has consistently and successfully resolved many problems in the construction of the new campus. His expertise in construction and management helped the university to troubleshoot many difficult issues, ensuring successful completion of its construction.

Dr Tse Chi Wai, current chair of UC, retires on 31 July. UM expresses gratitude to Dr Tse for the significant contributions he has made to the development of the university over the past 13 years. Between 2001 and 2006, Dr Tse was instrumental in the development of UM Law and Charter, enhancing the university’s efforts to revamp its governance model and to gain autonomy and flexibility. He, subsequently, led the effort to recruit the new leadership team for the university. From day one of the new campus project, Dr Tse worked tirelessly, from strategic planning to details of war room operation. He broke the ground on the new campus with national and SAR leaders in December 2009. His years of leadership and hard work have enabled the university to advance its profile and make effective progress. UM members are truly grateful to Dr Tse for his contributions to the university.

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