
Electoral Affairs Commission stresses need to follow the law when seeking to form nomination committees

Government Information Bureau
2025-03-18 23:23
  • The Electoral Affairs Commission for the Legislative Assembly Election holds a work meeting.

  • The Electoral Affairs Commission for the Legislative Assembly Election briefs the press on the latest progress of electoral work.

  • The Electoral Affairs Commission for the Legislative Assembly Election briefs the press on the latest progress of electoral work.

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The Electoral Affairs Commission for the Legislative Assembly Election today called for everyone – and, in particular, individuals intending to form a nomination committee and run for election – not only to act lawfully, but also take on the responsibility to safeguard collectively the good order of the election. That includes respecting each voter’s will regarding signing an endorsement form and ensuring voters acquire all relevant information before such signing.

After a work meeting, the Chairman of the Electoral Affairs Commission for the Legislative Assembly Election, Mr Seng Ioi Man, met reporters and reiterated the Commission’s firm adherence to ensuring a fair, just, and clean election. The Legislative Assembly Election is to take place on 14 September.

Those helping others to gain voter support should also do so out of their own free will, genuinely offering assistance. No one should seek voter support or request others to assist in organising nomination committees either through coercion, fraud, workplace-related coercion, or by providing or promising benefits, said Mr Seng.

Since 6 March and as of this afternoon, a total of nine individuals had personally visited the election affairs reception counter at the Public Administration Building to collect application forms for the endorsement of a nomination committee. The Electoral Affairs Commission had not yet received any completed application.

To confirm a proposed nomination committee, the completed application form must be submitted to the Electoral Affairs Commission no later than 6 June. Only after confirmation, can nomination committees – on or before 26 June – propose candidate lists and platforms.

The Electoral Affairs Commission noticed some remarks and online comments about soliciting voter support to form nomination committees. The Electoral Affairs Commission has also received a report from a resident claiming to be under pressure to submit a specified number of endorsement forms to support the formation of a nomination committee. The Electoral Affairs Commission was currently looking into the matters, said Mr Seng.

Mr Seng stressed that signing an endorsement form to support the formation of a nomination committee was an important right granted under law, and it was also a form of political stance. Therefore, individuals intending to form a nomination committee must ensure – when soliciting voter support and seeking assistance from others – that persons approached were fully aware of the situation, and that the respective individual will of those persons was being respected.

In addition, the Electoral Affairs Commission noted comments regarding some elderly people being asked to sign endorsement forms when applying for the exchange of their Macau Pass cards. The Electoral Affairs Commission noted that there should be no attempt to link election affairs to any Government welfare measures.

The Electoral Affairs Commission had immediately contacted the Economic and Technological Development Bureau, which is responsible for coordinating the card exchange service. The bureau informed it that, prior to the commencement of the exchange service, it had required the co-organisers supporting the initiative – and their respective personnel – to follow strictly the operating guidelines. They should not conduct any activities unrelated to the card exchange during the service process. The Economic and Technological Development Bureau will continue to conduct monitoring. The Electoral Affairs Commission will remain in close touch with the bureau.

If any person feels coerced or defrauded by others in relation to formation of a nomination committee, or if they discover any suspected illegal activities, they should report such situations to the Electoral Affairs Commission or the Commission Against Corruption, and provide as much detailed and specific information as possible, said Mr Seng. The relevant authorities will take any cases received seriously.

Also, the Electoral Affairs Commission invites members of the public to provide their opinion on electoral work, said Mr Seng. Support and cooperation from the public will assist the Electoral Affairs Commission’s work to ensure the election proceeds smoothly under a legal, fair, just, and clean environment. The Electoral Affairs Commission will also continue to monitor closely circumstances and comments related to the election, he added.

In order for individuals interested in running for election – and also the general public – to gain a deeper understanding of the candidacy procedures and the current Legislative Assembly Election Law, the Electoral Affairs Commission will, on 26 March, hold a seminar to explain the candidacy procedures, at the Macao Science Center.

In addition, the Electoral Affairs Commission and the Education and Youth Development Bureau will, on 7 April, hold a briefing session for the education sector in Macao, to outline to school representatives the Legislative Assembly Election Law and election procedures, and to encourage schools to strengthen the promotion of civic awareness among students regarding fair, just, and clean elections.

During today’s meeting, the Electoral Affairs Commission met with representatives of the Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau to discuss arrangements for a meeting in early April with representatives of the gaming concessionaires. At that meeting, the Electoral Affairs Commission will provide a detailed explanation of the regulations concerning the need during the election period for gaming concessionaires and their employees to remain politically neutral when performing their duties.

The Electoral Affairs Commission issued a reminder that if voters wish to update their residential address on the voter register, they should do so by 31 May, through either: the Macao One Account platform; the voter registration webpage; the self-service kiosks for public services; or in person at the election affairs reception counter. This will allow the Electoral Affairs Commission to ensure allocation of a polling place convenient to their current residence, and ensure they will be able to receive the poll notice sent by the Electoral Affairs Commission.


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