
Manson Fok and Francis T. Lui Appointed as “Macao Conference Ambassadors” IPIM and Conference Ambassadors’ Collaboration Brought 15 International Conferences to Macao

Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute
2025-03-19 17:24
  • Prof. Manson Fok, President of University Hospital and Dean of Faculty of Medicine of Macau University of Science and Technology, is appointed as a “Macao Conference Ambassador”

  • Prof. Francis T. Lui, Director of the Institute of Development Economics and Chair Professor of the School of Business of Macau University of Science and Technology, is appointed as a “Macao Conference Ambassador”

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The Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM) has recently appointed two esteemed professors from Macau University of Science and Technology as “Macao Conference Ambassadors”. The appointees are: Professor Manson Fok, President of University Hospital and Dean of Faculty of Medicine, recognised for his contributions in the field of big health, and Professor Francis T. Lui, Director of Development Economics and Chair Professor at the School of Business, renowned for his expertise in economics. Their inclusion has raised the total number of “Macao Conference Ambassadors” to 26.

The “Macao Conference Ambassadors” initiative aims to leverage the influence of leading figures and academic professionals across the major industries to highlight Macao’s strengths in organising conventions and exhibitions. The initiative also seeks to promote Macao’s image as a premier destination for MICE events, attracting more high-quality professional industry conferences to Macao, bringing international MICE business visitors to the city, so as to broaden Macao’s international connections and enhance its global reputation.

As more and more MICE events are hosted in Macao, the local MICE is continuously enhancing the progress in the areas of market-oriented development, professionalism, internationalisation, digitalisation and green development. By fostering connections across the upstream, midstream and downstream of the industry chains, the synergistic development framework will allow the strong and sustainable growth of both the MICE sector and different industries,  providing more booster for the cultivation of a professional local MICE workforce, and eventually achieve the appropriate diversification of Macao’s economy.

“Macao Conference Ambassadors” Successfully Introduce 15 International Conferences in Macao

The 24 “Macao Conference Ambassadors”, appointed in June last year, have successfully introduced 15 international conferences in Macao within less than a year. This achievement highlights their extensive networks and influence within their respective fields. The conferences span four major industries: big health, modern financial services, high technology, MICE combined with commerce, cultural and sport industries, along with those in China-PSCs platform. Notably, many of these events were held in Macao for the first time. Looking ahead, the “Macao Conference Ambassadors” will continue to actively contribute to the growth of Macao’s MICE industry.

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