
Tourism crisis assistance team completes first-phase assistance in Taichung

Macao Government Tourism Office
2025-02-17 19:05
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The tourism crisis assistance team (referred to as the “team”) joined Macau Red Cross personnel to arrive at Taichung, Taiwan Region on 13 February, where they strove to provide adequate assistance for the Macao family involved in the gas explosion incident there.

At present, the first-phase assistance tasks are complete. The team and Macau Red Cross personnel met with the family again yesterday (16 February) for a summary of the follow-up work in progress. After sufficient communication with the family, the team and Macau Red Cross personnel returned to Macao today (17 February).

Upon learning about the incident on 13 February, the departments concerned took immediate action to contact the family for an update on their situation. Learning that two Macao residents passed away and five were injured in the incident, the departments concerned promptly activated the mechanism of tourism crisis assistance team. The team then joined Macau Red Cross personnel to fly to Taichung on the same night. Upon arrival, they immediately visited the injured Macao residents in the hospital and conveyed the Chief Executive’s heartfelt condolences. The team listened to the family’s concerns and provided adequate assistance with unreserved effort.

Over the past few days, the team visited the injured Macao residents in the hospital to learn about their progress of recovery under treatment. At present, two of them were discharged from the hospital on 14 February after treatment. Another two are in stable condition after surgery. The fifth individual is still being treated at the intensive care unit. On the other hand, the team accompanied the family to meet with the local funeral and legal service personnel, besides following up on the subsequent arrangements and handling of the deceased residents’ remains with the organizations and entities concerned, as well as compensation for related injury and death.

In accord with the family’s will, the team will assist the family in Macao to contact related departments to work out prompter arrangements for the remains. The team will also maintain close communication with the family through the established means, to follow up on the situation and provide all necessary support and adequate assistance.

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