
Possible warning signals to be issued due to the impact on "Yagi" (Update Time: 2024-09-04 17:00)

Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau
2024-09-04 16:58
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Possible warning signals to be issued due to the impact on "Yagi"

Update Time: 2024-09-04 17:00

Signals Forecast Period Probability
Typhoon Signal No.1 In effect
Typhoon Signal No.3 Between 3 a.m. and 6a.m. on 5th High
Typhoon Signal No.8 Nighttime on 5th Medium to relatively high
"blue" Storm Surge Warning Between midnight and morning on 5th Relatively High

Typhoon “Yagi” located at northern part of the South China Sea is moving west northwestward, generally heading towards the vicinity areas between the western coast of Guangdong and Hainan Island. Under the influence of the outer subsiding airflow of Yagi, Macao will experience scorching weather on Wed(4th Sep), and high temperatures may trigger thunderstorms with strong gusts in the afternoon. Affected by “Yagi” circulation, winds in Macao will strengthen and thunderstorms will become more frequent between midnight and morning on Thu(5th Sep). The possibility of issuing the Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 3 is high.

Since "Yagi" may further intensify into a super typhoon, according to the current forecast track, "Yagi" is expected to pass within 300 kilometers south of Macao from midnight to early morning on Friday (6th Sep). It is expected that the wind force in Macao will significantly increase, hence there is a moderate possibility of issuing Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 8. Meanwhile, it is expected that low-lying areas in Macao's inner harbor area may experience flooding of 0.5 meters or less, with a higher chance of issuing the blue storm surge warning on Thursday (5th Sep). The public is advised to pay attention to the latest weather information and take appropriate preventive measures in advance.

Remarks: The probabilities of issuing severe weather warning signals for the next one or two days are provided in the table. Public can learn the possibility of being affected by the tropical cyclone over the specific period of time in Macao so that necessary precautions can be well prepared earlier. Please keep notice of our latest information.

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