
The Cultural Affairs Bureau offers outdoor musical events to let audience enjoy music from a different angle

Cultural Affairs Bureau
2021-11-01 18:26
  • Journey in Musical Corners© 夢想計劃協會 Dream Project Association

  • Journey in Musical Corners© 浪風劇社 Long Fung Drama Club

  • Musical Installation Workshop

  • Outdoor Screening: Music and Movie Nights

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In November and December, the Cultural Affairs Bureau will launch a variety of arts and cultural activities to bring joy and vitality to the city. Among these are three outdoor musical events, namely Interactive Musical Graffiti, Outdoor Screening: Music and Movie Nights and Journey in Musical Corners, aiming to bring music to every corner of the city and offer the public a rich and diverse musical experience.  

Interactive Musical Graffiti is an installation created by João Oliveira, an experienced sound engineer from Macao. The “musical instruments” on the canvas are audible interactive devices, allowing the public to play and produce a wonderful musical feast. The installation will be exhibited from 2 to 30 November at the open space adjacent to Flower City Park in Taipa. João Oliveira will give a demonstration and performance at 3pm on 2 and 20 November, and conduct the Musical Installation Workshop at the Xian Xinghai Memorial Museum on 27 and 28 November.

Outdoor Screening: Music and Movie Nights will be held on 22 to 25 November at the Art Plaza of the Macao Cultural Centre for four consecutive nights, featuring movies In the Tracks of – Special Edition, Silent Cinema – Rockfield: The Studio on the Farm and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, as well as concerts London Symphony Orchestra with Sir Simon Rattle on Big Screen and Fado on Big Screen: Cuca Roseta “Meu”.  

In December, Journey in Musical Corners will take participants to visit the Historic Centre of Macao and wander around the streets and alleys in Taipa to experience Chinese music, Western music, a cappella and pop originals. Two themed routes, The Musical Fantasies of Keikei and Kwong and Detective Dreamer, will be held on 4 and 5 December and 18 and 19 December respectively. There will be four performances for each route.

The Cultural Affairs Bureau will strictly follow the relevant anti-pandemic guidelines of the Health Bureau and implement appropriate measures for cultural activities. Registrations for Outdoor Screening: Music and Movie Nights, Musical Installation Workshop and Journey in Musical Corners will be open from 10am on 8 November, with limited quotas. If oversubscription occurs, selection will be made by drawing lots. Interested individuals can register online through the Activities Registration System of the Cultural Affairs Bureau at www.icm.gov.mo/eform/event. For enquiries, please call 8399 6872 during office hours.

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