
Population Census Extended to 28 August
Field Visits to Resume on 23 August (Monday)

Statistics and Census Service
2021-08-20 11:00
  • 2021 Population Census Webpage

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To ensure the completion of the Population Census, the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) extended the data collection period by 7 days to 28 August after consultation with the Health Bureau and with the implementation of pandemic prevention measures. Field visits by Census officers will resume on 23 August (Monday) and 800 Census officers will be arranged to collect data from households who have not responded to the Census.

DSEC appeals to the public to co-operate in the Census and households are encouraged to respond to the Census via online or telephone means.

Resumption of Field Visits for Data Collection to Ensure Full Coverage

The Population Census, in principle, is to reach every single household in residential and other types of units and to collect demographic information on all individuals.

Data collection for the 2021 Population Census was originally scheduled from 7 to 21 August. However, as door-to-door data collection by Census officers has been suspended owing to the pandemic, the overall response rate has been affected to some extent. As at 19 August, 105,000 households in Macao have completed the Census questionnaire, accounting for 50.0% of the total.

Field Visits to Assist Households in Completing Questionnaire: Activating Access to Online Questionnaire, Scheduling Phone Interview Appointment or Conducting Household Interview

Census officers, working in pairs, will visit the households who have not responded to the Census to assist them to activate access to the online questionnaire or schedule a telephone interview appointment, or to conduct an interview with the households using mobile tablets. Households may schedule an interview appointment with Census officers by calling the Census Hotline at 8809 8809. If Census officers are unable to contact the households during their visits, an appointment card and a notification letter will be left to the non-contact households and these households are encouraged to contact DSEC as soon as possible to provide information.

Census officers can be identified by three basic characteristics: a 2021 Population Census uniform, a Census ID Badge and a grey Census shoulder bag. Households may view the details of the visiting Census officers by scanning the QR code on the notification letter or questionnaire, or by calling the Census Hotline.

Pandemic Prevention Measures Imposed; Households Shall Verify Identity of Visiting Census Officers

To ensure a safe Census operation, all Census officers are required to undergo a nucleic acid test within 48 hours before 23 August and present a negative test result, which is in line with the pandemic prevention guidelines laid down by the Health Bureau.

Census officers are required to show a green health code and have their temperature checked to enter the Census work stations. They must wear a mask when performing their duties and keep a distance of at least 1 metre from the respondents. Also, they have to wash their hands with alcohol-based handrub and clean the mobile tablets with alcohol before and after visiting a household.

Respond to Census via Online or Telephone Means; Return Completed Paper Form to Census Work Stations

Apart from providing information to the visiting Census officers, households are encouraged to complete the Census questionnaire online or in paper form, or via telephone interview. Households may return the completed paper form to the Census work stations.

Due to the extension of the data collection period, some Census work stations will become unavailable. The original 10 stations will be reduced to 6, which are situated in Pui Ching Middle School, Luso-Chinese Technical and Vocational Middle School, Luso-Chinese Secondary School of Luís Gonzaga Gomes, Estrela do Mar Middle School, Fong Chong School of Taipa and the UNESCO Centre of Macao.

Census Results Help Government Plan Ahead

Census results reflect the changes in the structure and socio-economic characteristics of the population in Macao, and serve as an important reference source for government policy formulation.

DSEC appeals to the public to co-operate in the Census and respond to the Census at their earliest convenience. For more information about the Census, please visit the webpage of the 2021 Population Census ( https://www.dsec.gov.mo/Censos2021 ) or call the Census Hotline at 8809 8809.

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