
Notification of update on the DSEJ's telephone system, website and social media accounts

Education and Youth Development Bureau
2021-01-26 14:39
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The Education and Youth Development Bureau (DSEDJ) will formally commence operation on 1st February, 2021. To cooperate with the operation of the new bureau as well as optimise the residents’ experience in electronic services, the current telephone, website and social media accounts of the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ) will be updated to those of the DSEDJ.

Due to the need for updating, the telephone system will be upgraded and tested during the period of 09:00 to 23:59 on 31st January, 2021 (Sunday). The telephone enquiries service will be suspended during the aforesaid period of time.  Residents can make enquiries by fax (2871 1294) or email (webmaster@dsej.gov.mo). The telephone number (2855 5533) will remain unchanged after the update.

At the same time, to reduce impact on residents, the website and information system will be upgraded and maintained during the low usage period, from 23:00 on 31st January, 2021 (Sunday) to 03:00 on 1st February, 2021 (Monday). The website and external electronic services will be suspended during the aforesaid period of time. Upon the completion of upgrade, the website address will be changed to www.dsedj.gov.mo and various electronic services will immediately resume operation.

Besides, the existing social media accounts of the DSEJ, namely WeChat ID: dsejmacau, Facebook: dsejmacau and Instagram: dsejmacau will also be updated to those of the DSEDJ.  The application for update is being processed by relevant social media platforms. During the period of application, the accounts will remain normal operation. For residents who have already followed/tracked the existing accounts, they can continue to receive relevant information; there is no need for them to follow/track the accounts again.

We are sorry for any inconvenience caused. For enquiries, please call 2855 5533 or email to webmaster@dsej.gov.mo.

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