
Social Security Fund Introduces Electronic Payment to Facilitate Employers and Residents in their Payment

Social Security Fund
2020-09-30 16:41
  • Electronic payment tools for making Social Security Fund's payments

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Starting from October, the service points of the Social Security Fund (abbreviated to FSS in Macao) will accept electronic payment by employers and residents for their payment of Social Security System’s contributions, employment fee for non-resident workers and stamp duty for Certificate of Contributions/Benefits, bringing greater convenience for employers and residents in their payment.

Starting from October, employers and residents can pay Social Security System’s contributions (including obligatory and arbitrary system), employment fee for non-resident workers, and stamp duty for Certificate of Contributions/Benefits at Social Security Fund’s St. Lazarus Parish Field Office, the office on the 13th floor of China Civil Plaza Building in NAPE, Macao Government Services Centre (Social Security Affairs) and Macao Government Services Centre in Islands (Social Security Affairs) in cash or by cheque/cashier's order (payable to “Fundo de Segurança Social”).  They can also make their payment by the following electronic payment methods:

  • BOC Mobile Banking Payment
  • MACAU Pass Card or MPay 
  • UnionPay QuickPass or UnionPay App
  • Credit/Debit Card

The FSS urges employers, and beneficiaries of the arbitrary system who have applied for the use of electronic filing service to make more use of electronic payment channels in order to reduce queuing time.  If a person needs to visit a service point in person, it is recommended to make an appointment in advance or get a ticket online through the "Conta única de acesso comum" mobile app or the website ( https://booking.gov.mo ).

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