As consumption by citizens and the number of inbound tourists are expected to increase during Lunar New Year, the Consumer Council held a meeting before the festival with Economic Services Bureau (DSE), Macao Government Tourist Office (DST), Transport Bureau (DSAT), Judiciary Police (PJ), Public Security Police Force (PSP), Macao Custom Service, Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM), Health Bureau (SS) and Macao Post and Telecommunications Bureau (CTT) to discuss on the protection of consumer rights for local citizens as well as inbound tourists.
To better safeguard consumer rights, the Council organized patrols with other enforcing departments to promote good business practice among shops, the Council also reminds the food and beverage industry to abide by the regulation of Decree-Law no. 16/96/M to inform the licensing department regarding special charges during holidays and are asked to display clear price lists to consumers during holidays to safeguard consumer rights.
The Consumer Council will provide special hotline service from 1PM to 6PM on 24 January, and 9AM to 6PM on 25 to 29 January (normal working hours on 30 January). The Consumer Council will assign its staff to take calls regarding complaints or inquiry. Consumer Council hotline: 8988 9315.
If anyone finds his or her consumer rights being infringed, he or she should file a complaint at the Council or other enforcing departments and provide all necessary detailed information. Online complaint service is available on the Council’s website ( and the Council’s WeChat account for consumers’ convenience.