Results of industrial survey 2018
Statistics and Census Service
2019-09-25 17:51
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Information from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) indicated that a total of 913 establishments were operating in the industrial sector (covering Manufacturing and Electricity, Gas & Water Supply) in Macao in 2018, a year-on-year decrease of 20; total number of persons engaged dropped by 190 to 12,313. Receipts and Expenditure of the industrial sector totalled MOP11.07 billion and MOP7.96 billion respectively in 2018, down by 4.1% and 4.0% year-on-year. Gross Surplus reduced by 4.3% to MOP3.11 billion. Gross Value Added that measures the sectoral contribution to the economy declined by 3.3% year-on-year to MOP5.27 billion. Meanwhile, Gross Fixed Capital Formation of the sector increased by 60.5% to MOP1.89 billion.

There were 907 establishments engaging in the Manufacturing sector, down by 20 year-on-year; number of persons engaged decreased by 1.5% to 11,201. Receipts of the Manufacturing sector grew by 0.7% year-on-year to MOP7.10 billion, underpinned by the Manufacture of Food Products & Beverages. Expenditure amounted to MOP6.14 billion, a fall of 0.9%. Gross Surplus rose by 11.9% to MOP963 million and Gross Value Added increased by 4.3% to MOP 2.55 billion. On the other hand, Gross Fixed Capital Formation of the sector declined by 11.3% to MOP 270 million.

Within the Manufacturing sector, Receipts of Manufacture of Food Products & Beverages grew by 7.6% year-on-year to MOP2.63 billion, whereas Expenditure edged down by 0.4% to MOP2.04 billion. Gross Surplus and Gross Value Added of the industry saw respective increases of 48.4% and 16.6%. Meanwhile, Receipts of Manufacture of Cement & Concrete dropped by 16.5% to MOP1.21 billion, marking the fourth consecutive year of decline due to a continued slowdown in the demand for cement and concrete following a decrease in local large-scale construction projects. Expenditure, Gross Surplus and Gross Valued Added of the industry went down by 13.4%, 32.1% and 21.7% respectively.

As regards the Electricity, Gas & Water Supply sector, number of establishments remained at 6 while number of persons engaged dropped by 1.4% year-on-year to 1,112. Owing to a reduction in local electricity production, the sales volume and consumption of natural gas used for electricity generation decreased, causing Receipts (MOP 3.97 billion) and Expenditure (MOP 1.82 billion) of the sector to decline by 11.6% and 13.4% respectively year-on-year. Gross Surplus and Gross Value Added totalled MOP2.15 billion and MOP2.72 billion respectively, down by 10.1% and 9.5%. Meanwhile, Gross Fixed Capital Formation of the sector soared by 85.9% to MOP1.61 billion on account of an increase in acquisition of machinery and equipment by some establishments.

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