Committee for the Development of Conventions and Exhibitions Holds Second Plenary Ordinary Meeting of 2019
Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute
2019-08-08 18:21
  • Committee for the Development of Conventions and Exhibitions holds its second plenary ordinary meeting of 2019

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The Committee for the Development of Conventions and Exhibitions previously held its second plenary ordinary meeting for this year in the Multi-function Conference Hall on the 19th Floor of China Civil Plaza. During the meeting, the Committee discussed topics relating to co-operation in the meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions (MICE) sector between Macao and other cities within the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Greater Bay Area). Such discussion covered the joint organisation of events under the “One Fair, Two Venues” concept; and the collaborative bidding for the right to host international MICE events. Committee members were also briefed on the work carried out during the first half of 2019 relating to IPIM’s “One-stop Service” for MICE Bidding and Support in Macao.

The meeting was headed by the Committee’s Chairman, the Secretary for Economy and Finance of the Macao SAR, Mr Leong Vai Tac. He pointed out that the MICE sector had been playing an active role in Macao’s moderate economic diversification. The Government and the industry should nonetheless be fully prepared to cope with a complex and volatile external economic environment, while addressing the short- and long-term needs of the sector.

According to Secretary Leong, while striving to consolidate its strengths, Macao should continue its efforts to integrate itself with overall national development. He stated that all relevant parties should take initiative and seize every opportunity available, in order further to drive the professionalisation, internationalisation and market appeal of the city’s MICE sector. In addition, all parties should work toward enhancing the effects of the positive spillover created by the sector in relation to the rest of the economy. That could produce additional benefits for Macao people, and contribute to energising the local economy at the neighbourhood level.

Secretary Leong said Macao should make good use of the advantages of the local MICE industry, promote co-operation that addressed the needs of the Greater Bay Area, and take further steps to give full play to the city’s role as a “precise liaison” platform. In addition, Macao should continue to deepen regional co-operation under the "+ Macao" framework. Finally, Macao ought to – in partnership with other cities within the Greater Bay Area – promote in an active manner innovative paths and ideas for MICE co-operation in order to drive the synergistic development of the regional economy.

Building on the Strengths of the Greater Bay Area to Boost MICE Development

At the meeting, the Secretary General of the Committee cum IPIM’s President Mrs Irene Va Kuan Lau, introduced MICE co-operation involving Macao and other cities within the Greater Bay Area. She said the “One Fair, Two Venues” concept aimed to promote the joint hosting of conferences or exhibitions in a variety of Greater Bay Area cities, so as to make further use of their respective competitive edges.

Macao enjoy – among other strengths – the benefit of institutional competitive advantages, and the ability to present a wide offer of MICE-related infrastructure and international-standard services. These resources were not only helpful when pursuing co-operation concerning events with varied themes and varied formats, but also could contribute to the realisation of the MICE strategies "exhibition in the conference" and "conference in the exhibition". These are ways to promote joint regional co-operation in the sector, Mrs Lau said. She explained that such approaches also encompass the concepts: "one conference, two cities"; "one exhibition, two cities"; and "one event, multi-stops". A number of conventions and exhibitions have already been held in line with these approaches.

Committee member Mr Sam Lei – who is also an Executive Director at IPIM – stated that a total of 182 MICE project proposals had been followed up by IPIM in the first half of 2019. Of these, 110 had already been implemented, including 11 conventions – each with more than 1,000 attendees – introduced to the Macao market via IPIM’s “One-stop Service” for MICE Bidding and Support.

Committee members also shared valuable and constructive thoughts on the topics. Some proposed hosting MICE activities under one theme within the Greater Bay Area during the same period of time in order to achieve coordinated development. Some opined that the city should look into other potential themes for MICE activities, such as jewellery, which is facing an increasing number of possibilities. Some members suggested reviewing MICE related supporting policies and followingup on the exhibits exportation arrangementand relevant issues.

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