Organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC), the 36th Macao Young Musicians Competition, dedicated to the categories of Chinese and Western instruments, will start on 23 June (Saturday). The “Competition” will be held from 23 June to 12 July at the Institute for Tourism Studies (main campus) and the Macao Cultural Centre Conference Room, while the “Special Prizes Competition” will be held on 15 July (Sunday) at the University of Macau.
Applications for this edition of the Competition ended on 15 April, and over 500 applications were received in more than 40 categories. The provisional Competition Schedule is available at the Macao Young Musicians Competition’s website ( The order of performance was determined through random electronic ballot; all participants must perform according to the allocated order. The warm-up room will be open to all participants 45 minutes prior to the competition starts. In case of exceptional circumstances which require the order of performance to be changed, participants are required to fill in the “Request for Change of Competition Order” and submit it between 9 and 11 May, from 10am to 7pm (including lunch hours), at the Cultural Affairs Bureau Building. The final version of the Competition Schedule will be available on 18 May (Friday) at the Macao Young Musicians Competition’s website.
As the number of applicants for some individual categories was lower than the minimum number of applicants required by the Regulations, these categories were cancelled by IC. Applicants for these categories can collect the refund of the registration fees from 23 July at the Cultural Affairs Bureau Building, located at Tap Siac Square, during office hours, by presenting their Macao Resident ID Card. For enquiries, please contact IC through tel. no. 8399 6911 or 8399 6979, during office hours.