
2016 Macao-Guangzhou Fine Products Fair to be held in Guangzhou in January IPIM Provides Macao Enterprises with Preferential Scheme to Participate

Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute
2015-11-16 17:11
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The 2016 Macao-Guangzhou Fine Products Fair, co-organised by IPIM and Guangzhou Municipal Commission of Commerce, will be held from 15 to 17 January 2016 at the Poly World Trade Centre in Guangzhou.

This event plays a very important role in Guangzhou-Macao trade and economic co-operation. The 2016 Macao-Guangzhou Fine Products Fair will cover a wide range of products and service including MinM, Macao souvenirs, cultural and creative products, consumer goods, clothes, food products, wine, products from Portuguese-speaking countries, commerce of cross-border e-commerce as well as other merchandise. During the fair, fine products from Macao and Guangzhou will be showcased and sold to residents of and visitors to Guangzhou. There will also be diverse activities, including business matching sessions, product procurement and promotional events for Macao and Guangzhou companies during the fair, which will serve as a platform for companies from Macao and Guangzhou to network and co-operate, thereby promoting economic and trade ties between the two places.

In order to encourage companies from Macao to participate in the exhibition, IPIM is providing an incentive programme for companies from Macao. The incentives cover a standard booth, accommodation, transportation, round-trip freight transportation, storage area and temporary staff. Eligible enterprises only need to pay a participation fee of MOP$2,000.00 for a booth or MOP$1, 800.00 for raw space. The scope of exhibits will include: products manufactured in Macao, Macao brands and overseas products with an agent in Macao (priority will be given to products from Portuguese-speaking countries). All Macao enterprises are welcome to participate in the event and explore new business opportunities. Local companies interested in participating may obtain an application form from IPIM, located on 4th Floor, World Trade Centre Building, 918 Avenida da Amizade, or Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpção, 263, China Civil Plaza Building, 19th floor, Macao during office hours until 25 November. As the number of booths is limited, applications will be processed on a first-come first-served basis with the organisers reserving the right of final decision. Registration and enquiry hotline: 8798 9274 / 8798 9267.

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