
SIGGRAPH Asia, Asia´s Largest and Most Authoritative Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques will be held Macao next year

Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute
2015-11-08 14:19
  • Mrs. Irene V. K. Lau, Executive Director of IPIM, speaking at the “SIGGRAPH Asia 2015”

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SIGGRAPH Asia, Asia´s largest and most prestigious conference and exhibition on computer graphics and interactive techniques will be held in Macao next year.

SIGGRAPH Asia, which is organized by ACM SIGGRAPH, aims to promote and develop software and hardware technologies for computer graphics and animation production, and encompasses computer animation, floating images, interactive applications for media and educational symposiums, among others. Every year, a large number of hardware and software vendors launch their latest research achievements at SIGGRAPH Asia, while many games and animation production creators also take the opportunity to showcase their most remarkable works at the same venue. For this reason, SIGGRAPH exerts considerable influence in the fields of computer graphics and computer animation production.

SIGGRAPH Asia was started in Asia in 2008, and various events were held in Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong and Mainland China.

“SIGGRAPH Asia 2015” took place on 2-5 November, 2015 at the Kobe Convention and Exhibition Center, in Kobe, Japan. At the closing ceremony held on 5 November, the committee chair of “SIGGRAPH Asia 2016” – Mr. Hongbo Fu announced that Macao has won the right to hold “SIGGRAPH Asia 2016”. The Executive Director of Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute, Mrs. Irene V. K. Lau, subsequently took the floor and warmly welcomed all the guests present at the said event to come to Macao for the next edition of SIGGRAPH Asia, either as exhibitor and/or participant in the symposia.

After a rigorous selection by the Organizer, including site visits to Macao, to learn about the convention and exhibition environment and supporting measures offered by Macao, the committee chair announced that Macao has been selected as the destination for “SIGGRAPH Asia 2016”, which will be held in December, 2016. It is expected that over 5,000 professionals from the computer graphics and computer animation production sectors from all over the world will come to Macao to participate in this event, as exhibitors or visitors. In this connection, IPIM will continue to provide to the Organizer of the above-mentioned event its “One-Stop Service” for MICE support in Macao, having also designated staff to follow-up and provide the necessary assistance, so as to ensure the success of this important event, which has chosen Macao as its stage.

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