Due to high demand, the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao S.A.R. Government (IC) offers more additional 25th Macao Arts Festival’s (MAF) performances for the most sought after shows, namely, Beauty Fades from the Twelve Ladies’ Bower, and Eighteen Springs. Tickets for these additional performances will be available from 10am on Saturday 12 April at the Kong Seng Ticketing Network outlets (except at the Av. de Horta e Costa outlet, where tickets will be available from 10.30 am), through the reservation website or the reservation hotline 2855 5555.
An additional performance of Beauty Fades from the Twelve Ladies’ Bower, by the Collective of Macao Cantonese Opera Artists, will take to the Alegria Cinema’s stage on 23 May, at 7:30pm. Hong Kong’s Zuni Icosahedron theatre company will offer an extra performance of the play Eighteen Springs on 30 May, at 8pm, at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium, besides the performances scheduled for 31 May and 1 June.
Tickets are still available for the play in patuá Vivo na Únde? (Dream Home?) by the Dóci Papiaçám di Macau drama group, to be staged on 10 and 11 May at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium, at 7:30pm. Theatre in Patuá was inscribed on the List of Macao S.A.R. Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2012, and the dialect has been identified as a critically endangered language by UNESCO. This year’s play has the following story line: “How can you be a talent if you can’t afford a place to live?”
Dance Dome is an innovative and intimate 360° immersive cinema developed to surround its audiences in cutting edge contemporary dance in several sessions from 19 to 25 May (Friendship Square) and from 28 May to 1 June (Pak Tai Temple Square). Created by an international film crew and featuring choreography by award-winning companies Taikabox, Harnisch-Lacey Dance Theatre and Earthfall, the Dance Dome blurs the boundaries between movement, digital technology and cinema, wrapping dance around the viewer to create an extraordinary immersive experience. The trilogy includes Pal O’ Me Heart, a fulldome adaptation of Earthfall’s most critically acclaimed production, accompanied by The Beautiful, featuring contemporary dance and Chinese pole and the 2012 Innovation Prize Winner at Domefest USA, The Sublime, which explores breakdance and parkour styles.
Led by Macao Orchestra’s Principal Conductor Lü Jia, fabulous pipa master Zhang Hongyan and flautist Tang Junqiao cooperate with the Orchestra in Zhou Long’s, Guo Wenjing’s and Bright Sheng’s masterworks in this East meets West concert representing characteristics of Macao: tolerance, harmony and cultural integration, to be held on 13 May, at 8pm, at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium. Don’t miss this exceptional concert.
The Festival offers discounts of up to 30% when buying tickets for at least 4 different performances or when buying 10 or more tickets for the same performance. A 20% discount is also available on tickets to any show upon presentation of a Bank of China (Macau), Banco Weng Hang (Macau), LTD., Tai Fung Bank, ICBC (Macau), BCM Bank, Luso International Banking LTD. or BNU Credit Card or a Bank of China Tri-Currency Debit Card.
For more information on the 25th MAF, please call 8399 6699 during office hours, or check the MAF booklet or website at www.icm.gov.mo/fam.