
Chief Executive visits gas explosion site

Office of the Government Spokesperson
2011-07-27 02:56
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The Chief Executive, Mr Chui Sai On, visited the site of the gas leak explosion in NAPE yesterday evening to learn more about the effect to the surrending areas, according to a statement by the Government Spokesperson Office.

Speaking to the press during the inspection, Mr Chui said the Government was deeply concerned with the incident and the related bureaux would review their work to prevent a recurrence in the future.

After preliminary investigations, the Fire Services Bureau had ruled out foul play and said it believed the explosion was caused by gas leakage.

A 48-year-old Hong Kong man who sustained rib and foot fractures was in stable condition and remained in hospital for observation.

The Government Spokesperson Office organised a press conference with 10 bureaux in the evening to update the press on the incident. The President of the Civic and Municipal Affrirs Bureau, Mr Tam Vai Man, said the government would review current legislations on the storage of gas cylinders in restaurants.

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