“Spiral Dragon” joint counter-terrorism drill 2024
Government Information Bureau
2024-07-26 19:47
  • A 2024 joint counter-terrorism drill codenamed “Spiral Dragon” – involving the Unitary Police Service and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Macao Garrison, in coordination with several departments – uses the Macao East Asian Games Dome for its setting. The exercise simulates a terrorist attack and hostage taking during a large-scale concert, and then has interdepartmental services carrying out anti-terrorism and rescue action.

  • “Spiral Dragon” joint counter-terrorism drill 2024 – Assistant to Commissioner-General of the Unitary Police Service, Mr Luis Leong; and Deputy Chief of Staff of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Macao Garrison, Mr Liu Huan, brief reporters on the drill arrangements.

  • “Spiral Dragon” joint counter-terrorism drill 2024 - ‘Terrorists’ storm a temporary security checkpoint outside a concert venue, and confront patrolling Public Security Police Force officers.

  • “Spiral Dragon” joint counter-terrorism drill 2024 - ‘Terrorists’ take ‘hostages’.

  • “Spiral Dragon” joint counter-terrorism drill 2024 – Concertgoers are evacuated.

  • “Spiral Dragon” joint counter-terrorism drill 2024 – Police armoured vehicles arrive, and officers in protective gear arrive at the scene and put up a cordon.

  • “Spiral Dragon” joint counter-terrorism drill 2024 - Judiciary Police officers initiate negotiations with the ‘terrorists’.

  • “Spiral Dragon” joint counter-terrorism drill 2024 - On-site control centre for joint operations.

  • “Spiral Dragon” joint counter-terrorism drill 2024 – PLA Macao Garrison members arrive at the scene.

  • “Spiral Dragon” joint counter-terrorism drill 2024 – Police special operations unit advances, and ‘terrorists’ detonate chlorine-gas ‘bombs’.

  • “Spiral Dragon” joint counter-terrorism drill 2024 - Fire Services Bureau officers and PLA Macao Garrison members employ testing and body searches to check evacuated ‘spectators’.

  • “Spiral Dragon” joint counter-terrorism drill 2024 – Police special operations unit officers arrest four ‘terrorists’.

  • “Spiral Dragon” joint counter-terrorism drill 2024 – ‘Evacuees’ undergo disinfection and decontamination procedures by Fire Services Bureau personnel and PLA Macao Garrison members.

  • “Spiral Dragon” joint counter-terrorism drill 2024 - Fire Services Bureau and Health Bureau personnel assess the ‘injured’.

  • “Spiral Dragon” joint counter-terrorism drill 2024 - Judiciary Police officers check the identity of ‘evacuees’ after they have undergone disinfection and decontamination procedures.

  • “Spiral Dragon” joint counter-terrorism drill 2024 - Public Security Police Force officers discover a ‘bomb’ in a ‘terrorist’ vehicle and carry out a controlled explosion.

  • “Spiral Dragon” joint counter-terrorism drill 2024 - Fire Services Bureau personnel and PLA Macao Garrison members carry out disinfection and decontamination work on the venue itself.

  • “Spiral Dragon” joint counter-terrorism drill 2024 - Judiciary Police officers do on-site investigation work.

  • “Spiral Dragon” joint counter-terrorism drill 2024 - Macao Customs Service officers give a briefing detailing the capture of the ‘fugitives’.

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