
The Preservation and Display Area of the Archaeological Remains of the Pit in Rua de D. Belchior Carneiro will be closed from 10 March due to works of backfilling

Cultural Affairs Bureau
2025-03-07 16:50
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In order to strengthen the protection and use of the archaeological remains of the Pit in Rua de D. Belchior Carneiro, and taking into account the conservation recommendations made by experts from the Institute of Archaeology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym), after evaluation and analysis, plans to take measures to protect and execute the backfill of the relevant archaeological remains of the Pit, thereby facilitating their conservation. From 10 March this year, the protective backfilling work will begin at the site of the Pit in Rua de D. Belchior Carneiro. Due to the need to carry out this work and to ensure public safety, the Preservation and Display Area of the Archaeological Remains of the Pit and the Permanent Exhibition the ‘Maritime Silk Road and Macao’ will be temporarily closed to the public. The mentioned works are expected to be completed by early May, and the reopening date of the above areas will be announced in due course. IC thanks the the public’s attention and understanding.  

For further enquiries, please contact the Cultural Affairs Bureau through telephone number 2836 6320, during office hours.

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