
Executive Council of the sixth-term MSAR Government convenes its first meeting

Government Information Bureau
2024-12-20 20:58
  • Executive Council of the sixth-term MSAR Government convenes its first meeting

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The members of the Executive Council of the sixth-term Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR) will serve as advisers to the Chief Executive in accordance with the spirit of President Xi Jinping’s important speeches.

They will draw on their professional expertise, and consider perspectives from all sectors of society and the general public, in their recommendations.

The Executive Council of the sixth-term MSAR Government held its first meeting this morning at the Government Headquarters.

The Chief Executive, Mr Sam Hou Fai, expressed his gratitude to all members for accepting his invitation to join the Executive Council. During the meeting, Mr Sam provided a brief overview of the Executive Council’s rules of procedure and the responsibilities of its members. He expressed his hope that each member would actively contribute their insights and serve the MSAR with integrity.

The Chief Executive and the members of the Executive Council exchanged views regarding the importance of fully learning and understanding the spirit of President Xi's important speeches delivered during his latest visit to Macao.

The members of the Executive Council pledged to cooperate closely and contribute to the sustainable development of the Macao society.

The role of the Executive Council is to assist the Chief Executive in policymaking.

The 11 members of the Executive Council are: Mr Cheong Weng Chon; Mr Leonel Alberto Alves; Mr Chan Chak Mo; Mr Ma Chi Ngai, Frederico; Mr Chan Ka Leong; Mr Ip Sio Kai; Mr Lao Ngai Leong; Mr Leong Wai Fong; Ms Song Pek Kei; Mr Tong Kai Chung; and Mr U Seng Pan.

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