
[Investment Promotion in Guizhou, Sichuan and Chongqing] IPIM Promotes Macao’s Business Environment to Over 40 Enterprises and Associations in Southwest China

Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute
2024-11-18 18:28
  • IPIM representative introducing Guizhou enterprises to Macao’s business advantages at the “Guizhou-Macao Traditional Chinese Medicine and Health Industry Investment Promotion Seminar”

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In alignment with the strategy of promoting the appropriately diversified economic development, the Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM) has kept on conducting investment promotion in the mainland. With the help of the network of IPIM’s Chengdu representative office, IPIM went to Guizhou, Chongqing and Chengdu to promote Macao’s business environment from 12 to 15 November, in order to attract more emerging enterprises to invest in Macao and to further strengthen the potential of local economic development.

Joint Investment Promotion with ISAF to Attract Guizhou Enterprises to Invest in Macao’s Health Sector

Focusing on traditional Chinese medicine health industry, which is one of Guizhou’s strongest industries, the “Guizhou-Macao Traditional Chinese Medicine and Health Industry Investment Promotion Seminar” was held in Guiyang City, Guizhou Province on 12 November. The seminar was jointly organised by IPIM and Guizhou Provincial Department of Commerce, Guizhou Provincial Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and was supported by Macao Pharmaceutical Administration Bureau (ISAF). At the Seminar, Director of IPIM’s Board of Directors Leong Wa Fong introduced the unique advantages of Macao’s business environment to over 20 companies and commerce and trade associations, and highlighted the importance of the co-operation between Macao and Guizhou in assisting mainland enterprises to go global. He also highlighted the broad area and favourable policies in the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Co-operation Zone In Hengqin, which could be a strong support for the Macao enterprises’ future development. In addition, Head of Division of the Traditional Chinese Medicine of ISAF Lam Fu Chong also gave an online introduction on the current status of the traditional Chinese medicine sector in Macao and its laws and regulations for the registration of proprietary Chinese medicines, providing practical information to the potential investors.

Pro-active Investment Promotion to Enhance Sichuan and Chongqing Enterprises’ Understanding of the Competitive Edges of Macao’s Market

In order to promote the investment co-operation between Macao and Sichuan and Chongqing, IPIM visited enterprises and commercial institutions in Chongqing and Sichuan, to pro-actively attract well-known mainland catering brands to Macao. In addition, IPIM also paid return visits to exhibitors that had exhibited in Macao. Chongqing and Sichuan enterprises stated that IPIM’s business visits helped them better understand Macao’s market advantages. At the same time, it also enhanced their confidence in investing in Macao and using Macao as a platform for overseas business expansion.

IPIM’s Six Representative Offices in the Mainland Are Fully Committed to Attracting Investment

The investment promotion activities have interested many mainland enterprises in investing in Macao and the Co-operation Zone. IPIM has six representative offices in the mainland, all of which pro-actively connect with local chambers of commerce and commercial associations in their own service area, to invite mainland enterprises to invest in Macao. Among them, the service area of the Chengdu Representative Office covers Chongqing City, Gansu Province, Guizhou Province, Qinghai Province, Sichuan Province, Xizang Autonomous Region, Yunnan Province, and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Since January 2023, the Representative Office in Chengdu has successfully facilitated 24 investment projects and 9 companies in big health and high-tech industries to commence operation in Macao.

In the future, IPIM will continue to observe the market dynamics and assist Macao enterprises to seize the new opportunities in the regional co-operation, to further promote the diversified development of Macao’s economy.

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