[Single-day hotel occupancy rate peaks at 95% over Labor Day holiday] Total visitor arrivals exceed 600,000 with 23.2% year-on-year surge in average daily volume
Macao Government Tourism Office
2024-05-07 21:17
  • Tourist attractions abound with visitors during Labor Day holiday

  • Tourist attractions abound with visitors during Labor Day holiday

  • Tourist attractions abound with visitors during Labor Day holiday

  • Tourist attractions abound with visitors during Labor Day holiday

  • Tourist attractions abound with visitors during Labor Day holiday

  • Tourist attractions abound with visitors during Labor Day holiday

  • Tourist attractions abound with visitors during Labor Day holiday

  • Tourist attractions abound with visitors during Labor Day holiday

  • Tourist attractions abound with visitors during Labor Day holiday

  • Tourist attractions abound with visitors during Labor Day holiday

  • Tourist attractions abound with visitors during Labor Day holiday

  • Installations attract visitors into northern district

  • Installations attract visitors into northern district

  • Installations attract visitors into northern district

  • Installations attract visitors into northern district

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