
Guangdong-Macao Intensive Cooperation Zone in Hengqin

[Inviting 1+4 Professional MICE Events from Asia-Pacific Region] 14 Macao-Hengqin Companies Promote “Multi-venue Event” Pattern in Singapore

Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute
2024-04-19 16:32
  • “Macao-Hengqin Pavilion” debuts at “The Meetings Show Asia Pacific”, a professional exhibition in the MICE industry

  • During the two-day event, over 500 business matching take place between the Macao-Hengqin enterprises and the overseas buyers

  • The “Macao-Hengqin MICE Promotion and Exchange Seminar” is held at the Macao-Hengqin Pavilion to promote the unique advantages of Macao-Hengqin conventions and exhibitions

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In order to attract more MICE organisers from the Asia-Pacific region to organise conventions and exhibitions in Macao and Hengqin, the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM) and the Economic Development Bureau of the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Co-operation Zone in Hengqin (the “Co-operation Zone”), have jointly organised fourteen (14) Macao-Hengqin companies to participate in the professional exhibition for the MICE industry in Singapore, “The Meetings Show Asia Pacific” from 17 to 18 April, in which a “Macao-Hengqin Pavilion” was set up and a “Macao-Hengqin MICE Promotion and Exchange Seminar” was arranged to introduce overseas event organisers and buyers to the unique advantages of “Macao-Hengqin MICE” in terms of hardware facilities, immigration measures, logistics and support services. During the two-day event, over 500 business matching sessions took place.

Macao-Hengqin MICE Debuts in Singapore, Facilitating Some 500 Business Matching Sessions

With an area of 90 square metres, the Macao-Hengqin Pavilion is themed with the joint image of Macao and Hengqin - “MICE² Macao x Hengqin”. Fourteen (14) Macao-Hengqin enterprises from the MICE industry chain sectors such as hotels, MICE service providers, and integrated tourism and leisure enterprises participated in the event, presenting the one-stop MICE solutions in Macao and strengthening the confidence of potential MICE event organisation in Macao and Hengqin. During the two-day event, more than 500 business matching sessions were conducted between the Macao-Hengqin enterprises and the overseas buyers. At the same time, a “Macao-Hengqin MICE Promotion and Exchange Seminar” was held at the Macao-Hengqin Pavilion to promote the unique advantages of Macao-Hengqin conventions and exhibitions, attracting over 400 professional buyers.

According to the Macao-Hengqin exhibitors, the Southeast Asian MICE organisers were very interested in the “Multi-venue Event” pattern, and many buyers expressed their intention to visit Macao and Hengqin for site inspections and to consider the feasibility of holding conventions and exhibitions in these two regions.

“The Meetings Show Asia Pacific” is organised by Northstar Meetings Group, the publisher of “M&C Asia”, which is a well-known MICE magazine in the Asia-Pacific region. As an extension of “The Meetings Show” held in London, England, “The Meetings Show Asia Pacific” is the professional MICE trade show inaugurated in 2024 mainly serving the MICE market in the Asia-Pacific region. Through gathering global professional buyers, MICE event organisers, destination managers, and hotels and venue operators, “The Meetings Show Asia Pacific” aims to connect the MICE industry in the Asia-Pacific region, and forge a new platform by expanding the business network.

Continuous Exposure of the Macao-Hengqin MICE Advantages in Overseas Regions

This is the first trip of the local MICE industry in 2024 organised by IPIM. In the future, IPIM will continue to organise the industry to participate in international professional exhibitions to promote Macao-Hengqin MICE industry abroad, including the 2024 IMEX Frankfurt in May, the 2024 Incentive Travel & Conventions, Meetings Asia (IT&CM Asia) in September, and 2024 European Incentives, Business Travel & Meetings (IBTM World) in November.

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