
UM, Sun Yat-sen University co-organise first Asia-Pacific Marketing Academy Conference

University of Macau
2023-09-28 19:04
  • UM and Sun Yat-sen University co-organise the First Asia-Pacific Marketing Academy Conference

  • Michael Hui

  • A group photo

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The University of Macau (UM) and Sun Yat-sen University co-organised the First Asia-Pacific Marketing Academy Conference. More than 400 representatives from over 100 mainland and international universities participated in the event. In addition, the paper co-authored by UM and Tsinghua University won a first prize at the conference.

The theme of the conference was ‘Marketing Theory and Practice Innovations in the Digital Era’. More than 200 research papers were presented in 25 panel sessions, and nearly 50 renowned scholars, including editors-in-chief and associate editors of prestigious journals on marketing from the United States, Europe, Australia, and Singapore, participated in the conference and exchanged views. Michael Hui, vice rector of UM and chair professor of marketing, delivered a keynote speech as the co-chair of the conference. Shen Hongchuan, assistant professor in business intelligence and analytics at UM, and scholars at Tsinghua University, won a first prize at the conference for their collaborative paper titled ‘An Empirical Study of Algorithm-Induced Online Information Misallocation’.

The conference was initiated by the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao University Alliance for Marketing. The alliance is committed to promoting regional and international academic exchanges and collaboration in marketing. The founding members of the alliance include nine universities, namely the University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, the University of Macau, the Macau University of Science and Technology, Sun Yat-sen University, South China University of Technology, and Shenzhen University. The next conference is scheduled to be held in April 2024 at the City University of Hong Kong.

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