The Commissioner Against Corruption Chan Tsz King earlier led a delegation of the CCAC to Bangkok of Thailand to attend the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) Asian Regional Meeting and International Seminar.
The meeting was hosted by the Office of the Ombudsman of Thailand. Participants included representatives from Asia, such as Pakistan, Bahrain, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, the Philippines and East Timor. Chris Field, President of the IOI, attended the events as the Guest of Honour. The meeting aimed to allow participants to exchange their professional knowledge and experience and to discuss how to strengthen the role and importance of ombudsman institutions in the region. At the international seminar, the keynote speakers also shared their experiences as ombudsman of promoting fair administration, good governance and the rule of law.
Apart from combating corruption, the CCAC also performs the function as the ombudsman. As a member of the IOI and the Asian Ombudsman Association, the CCAC has been maintaining communication with the ombudsmen of other countries and regions. It participates in the meetings and training activities held by the relevant organisations in order to enhance its personnel’s professional knowledge of ombudsman’s work.