Various residents recently filed reports with the Judiciary Police (PJ), claiming they had received calls purportedly from Mainland or Macao government officials. Many quickly saw through the pretense as they had obtained crime prevention information from PJ, but a few still incurred losses.
Swindler usually impersonates officer from Mainland Public Security Bureau, Cyber Security Center, Cyber Crime Center, WeChat Security, Macao Post and Telecommunications Bureau, or Judiciary Police Cyber Security Division and Anti-spam Center, etc., and demands the victim to provide personal information such as name and ID number. The fraudster then accuses the victim of distributing illegal information and requires the latter to log into a specific website and enter personal information, bank account details, passwords, and verification code. The scammer then seizes control of the bank account and transfers all the money out of the bank account.
PJ once again advises the public to be alert and never readily trust people who call, saying they are representatives from government departments. Also, refrain from clicking unknown links; when asked to submit personal or bank information, always "reject" and "hang up." Should you get suspicious calls or have been defrauded, regardless of whether you have suffered loss, always contact the Judiciary Police's Anti-scam hotline at 88007777 or the crime report hotline at 993 for assistance.