As the typhoon and rainy season is approaching, the tree maintenance personnel of the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) continue to inspect the trees in various districts in Macao in order to protect local greening environment and safeguard public safety. With regard to trees in bad health conditions and with structural defects, pruning and maintenance have been carried out and re-inspections of the trees have been arranged.
To reduce the weight of tree crowns and the wind load areas, the tree maintenance personnel have arranged pruning in an orderly manner to trees with overcrowded branches and structural defects, and removal of branches that are sick, withered or structurally torn. In addition, critically sick trees which had the risk of collapse have been removed, with the aim of minimising the chance of collapse of trees in strong wind and rainstorm. Moreover, medication for prevention and control of tree pests has been adopted while addition of fertilisers to trees, loosening of soil and weeding have also been carried out. At present, over 5,000 trees in the streets have been pruned and irregular trees’ care and rescue have been followed up continuously. Meanwhile, tree supports have been adjusted and reinforced and the tree pits’ surfaces have been continuously inspected and optimised.
IAM appeals to the public not to enter the work area during tree pruning to avoid accidents. Meanwhile, the public should carry out regular inspections and arrange pruning to trees inside their properties, and pay attention to the growth conditions of trees to avoid accidents. In addition, IAM also urges the public to avoid getting close to or staying under trees during rainstorm so as to prevent the danger caused by broken branches. If any irregularities of trees are found, the public may report the case through “IAM Connect” or by calling IAM’s Civic Service Hotline at 2833 7676.