Direct investment statistics for 2021
Statistics and Census Service
2022-11-21 17:03
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Information from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) indicated that inward direct investment flows in Macao totalled MOP 38.20 billion in 2021. Analysed by industry, inflows of direct investment in the Gaming Sector, Financial Activities and Wholesale & Retail Trade stood at MOP 16.96 billion, MOP 14.93 billion and MOP 4.74 billion respectively. Analysed by immediate source of investment, capital came mainly from the British Virgin Islands (MOP 18.39 billion), Hong Kong (MOP 11.95 billion) and mainland China (MOP 9.53 billion).

Inward direct investment income (including after-tax profits and interest) amounted to MOP 15.94 billion in 2021. Income earned by foreign direct investors in Financial Activities (MOP 16.13 billion), Wholesale & Retail Trade (MOP 10.37 billion) and Real Estate Development, Leasing & Sale Activities (MOP 4.27 billion) surged by 98.3%, 285.9% and 70.6% respectively year-on-year. Meanwhile, investment in the Gaming Sector showed a loss (-MOP 18.05 billion), which has narrowed notably compared to 2020.

As at the end of 2021, stock of inward direct investment totalled MOP 333.76 billion, up by 12.4% year-on-year. Analysed by immediate source of investment, investment stock from mainland China (MOP 66.70 billion), Hong Kong (MOP 97.17 billion) and the British Virgin Islands (MOP 66.70 billion) increased by 13.5%, 13.6% and 38.5% respectively year-on-year, while investment stock from the Cayman Islands (MOP 61.70 billion) dropped by 11.5%. With respect to industry, inward direct investment stock in the Gaming Sector and Financial Activities grew by 14.5% and 14.9% year-on-year to MOP 139.38 billion and MOP 99.82 billion respectively.

Outward direct investment flows of Macao enterprises totalled MOP 25.78 billion in 2021; income earned by Macao enterprises amounted to MOP 880 million. As at the end of 2021, stock of outward direct investment expanded by 36.1% year-on-year to MOP 99.94 billion. Outward direct investment stock in mainland China increased by 16.7% year-on-year to MOP 75.62 billion, of which Guangdong accounted for 79.7%, at MOP 60.26 billion (with MOP 36.66 billion in Hengqin, up by 26.6%). On the other hand, outward direct investment stock in Hong Kong fell by 5.9% year-on-year to MOP 9.47 billion. Analysed by industry of Macao enterprises, stock of outward direct investment made by enterprises engaged in the Gaming Sector swelled by 338.3% to MOP 21.33 billion; besides, investment stock made by enterprises in Real Estate Development, Leasing & Sale Activities, Wholesale & Retail Trade and the Banking Sector totalled MOP 29.13 billion, MOP 16.64 billion and MOP 6.72 billion respectively, up by 18.0%, 12.7% and 38.6%.

Direct Investment Statistics aims to provide an overview of direct investments between Macao and other economies. Direct investment refers to investment with a holding of 10% or more of the equity share capital in an enterprise. For statistical purposes, mainland China and Macao are considered as two economies. Statistical results are obtained from the Enterprise Survey, which covers Macao enterprises engaged in Industrial Sector; Construction; Wholesale & Retail Trade; Hotels, Restaurants & Similar Activities; Transport, Storage & Communications; Financial Activities; Gaming; Real Estate Development, Leasing & Sale Activities and so forth; however, individuals are excluded. The statistical unit is an enterprise. If an enterprise has one or more establishments engaged in different economic activities, the industry of the enterprise will be classified according to its main economic activity as reported in the questionnaire. For example, data on hotels, restaurants and other establishments of a gaming enterprise are incorporated into the statistics of the Gaming Sector.

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