
Arrangements for PSP's External Services between 23 and 29 July

Public Security Police Force
2022-07-24 13:50
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     In view of the epidemic development and in line with the SAR Government’s guidelines, all frontline police units and border checkpoints of the Public Security Police Force (PSP) remain normal operation, with the adjusted arrangements for external services at the following service locations between 23 and 29 July:

Operation arrangements at service locations

Service location


Service situation

Special arrangements

Macao Police Department, Islands Police Department

All police subdivisions

Special arrangements

Service operation maintains normal for the following items:


  1. Reporting cases
  2. Reporting loss
  3. Handling of found property
  4. Declaration of installation of alarm system


Immigration Building

Immigration Building of the Public Security Police Force, Travessa Um do Cais de Pac On, Taipa, Macao    

Special arrangements

Between 25 and 29 July, the Residence and Stay Affairs Department of PSP will only provide services on a limited scale and with scheduled appointments.


The service items in the Immigration Building in Pac On, Taipa are as follows:

[Note: Please make appointments via the link

(https://www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/WebReserveSystem/ChooseService.aspx) or by calling 28725488。】

1. Extension of Authorization to Stay:

[Note:①Individuals who were previously granted an extension of Authorization to Stay and whose period of stay expires from 11 to 24 July, have been permitted to postpone the application to the same day this week (25 to 29 July), e.g., the original date of 11 July or 18 July (Monday) is postponed to 25 July (Monday); and for individuals whose period of stay expires on Saturday or Sunday, application is postponed to Friday, 29 July). Failure to apply on the specific date mentioned above may lead to overstaying.  And applicants are required to make an appointment for the time slot on that specific date.

②Individuals whose period of stay expires from 25 to 29 July are required to process the extension in person on the expiry date with prior booking, failure to do so may result in overstaying. ]

2. Processing of cases of loss of entry identification documents for non-residents;

3. Application for and collection of “Certificate of Personal Entry and Exit Movement Record”.

4. Renewal application for “Residence Authorization” and collection of “Certificate of Residence Authorization”

[Note: The individuals concerned should proceed to process the formalities on the scheduled date and time as notified by PSP.】

5. Renewal application and cancellation of “Special Authorization to Stay” for non-resident workers and their family members;

6. New application of “Special Authorization to Stay” for non-resident domestic workers

[Note: Employers are suggested to submit the new applications and renewal applications for non-resident domestic workers via “Macao One Account”.  They may also come in person to make the application with prior booking via the online system or by calling 28725488, if needed.】

Starting from Monday on 25 July, the PSP will provide the relevant services of the above-mentioned “Special Authorization to Stay” (for non-resident workers and family members of non-resident workers); non-residents whose original residence authorization has expired or will be expired by 1 August should make an appointment as soon as possible before Friday, 29 July for processing the applications or formalities, except for those who have already been notified of the scheduled date and time by PSP.

The immigration services other than the above-mentioned services will be suspended. In case of special circumstances with urgent needs to apply for relevant services, or with queries about the relevant service arrangements, individuals may call 28725488 for assistance and the PSP will follow up and answer the questions.  As for the external services that are not available for the time being due to the measures of limited services implemented by PSP, individuals should come on the first working day of resumption of full services or a date notified by the PSP.  Individuals who need to postpone their application for “Residence Authorization” or “Special Authorization to Stay” (for non-resident workers, family members of non-resident workers, non-resident students, etc.) to the first working day of resumption of full services or a date notified by the PSP because of the provisional measure mentioned above will not be punished for overstaying.

In addition, please note that the Investigation and Repatriation Subdivision of the Border Control Department in the Immigration Building in Pac On will maintain its operation from 23 to 31 July.


Residence and Stay Affairs Department

Macao Government Services Centre in Areia Preta, Macao Government Services Centre in Islands           

Special arrangements

Between 25 and 29 July, the Residence and Stay Affairs Department of PSP will only provide services on a limited scale and with scheduled appointments.


The service items in the Macao Government Services Centre in Areia Preta and the Macao Government Services Centre in Islands are as follows:

[Note: Please make appointments via

(https://www.csraem.gov.mo/csrbooking/#/add/byaddressstep2) or by calling 28725488.】


1.   Application for and collection of “Certificate of Personal Entry and Exit Movement Record”;

2.  Renewal application or cancellation of “Special Authorization to Stay” for non-resident workers (professional and domestic work categories) and their family members;

3. Collection of “Certificate of Residence Authorization” upon notification by PSP.

Starting from Monday on 25 July, the PSP will provide the relevant services of the above-mentioned “Special Authorization to Stay” (for non-resident workers and family members of non-resident workers); non-residents whose original residence authorization has expired or will be expired by 1 August should make an appointment as soon as possible before Friday, 29 July for processing the applications or formalities, except for those who have already been notified of the scheduled date and time by PSP.

The immigration services other than the above-mentioned services will be suspended. In case of special circumstances with urgent needs to apply for relevant services, or with queries about the relevant service arrangements, individuals may call 28725488 for assistance and the PSP will follow up and answer the questions.  As for the external services that are not available for the time being due to the measures of limited services implemented by PSP, individuals should come on the first working day of resumption of full services or on the date notified by the PSP.  Individuals who need to postpone their application for “Residence Authorization” or “Special Authorization to Stay” (for non-resident workers, family members of non-resident workers, non-resident students, etc.) to the first working day of resumption of full services or a date notified by the PSP because of the provisional measure mentioned above will not be punished for overstaying.

In addition, please note that the Investigation and Repatriation Subdivision of the Border Control Department in the Immigration Building in Pac On will maintain its operation from 23 to 31 July.

Traffic Department

Macao South District Traffic Subdivision, Islands Traffic Subdivision

Special arrangements

Limited services as follows:

1. Processing of traffic violations: For minor violations by motorists, violations in respect of vehicle insurance, violations leading to impounding of vehicles and related fees and use of vehicles in the provision of a remunerated service for a purpose other than that authorized or registered (commonly known as illegal car hire service), motorists should visit the Macao Traffic Department or the Taipa Traffic Station personally for processing. Other traffic violation fines can be paid via electronic channels (mobile app “ePolice”, Macao One Account, Internet, BOC Express/BOCNET, info-kiosks “CityGuide”, etc.).

2. Application for traffic violations SMS notification service: Applications can only be made via the mobile app “ePolice” and the Internet. Relevant service points of the Traffic Department will be closed.

3.   Registration of Hong Kong and international driving licences will be available only with prior booking via

https://www.fsm.gov.mo/webdtrs/Licence/ChooseService.aspx or by calling 28374214

4.  Application for and collection of documentary proof of traffic accident will remain as usual.

For any enquiries, please call 28374214.

Intelligence Department

Immigration Building of the Public Security Police Force, Travessa Um do Cais de Pac On, Taipa, Macao    

Special arrangements

The following services will be provided on a limited scale with a telephone appointment:


    1. Private Security Business Licence
    2. Self-protection Licence
    3. Security Guard ID Card
    4. Licence for Use and Carry of Self-defence Firearms
    5. Licence for Use and Carry of Weapons for Competition use
    6. Permit for Storage of Decorative and Collectible Weapons
    7. Permit for Trade/Transfer of Firearms
    8. Permit for Purchase of Bullets
    9. Import/Export Permit for Weapons, Ammunitions, Explosives or Replica Firearms
    10. Licence for Commercial Establishment for Trade of Arms and Ammunitions
    11. Firecrackers Discharge Permit
    12. Rockets and Fireworks Discharge Licence
    13. Declaration of firearms


Telephone booking hotlines:

Private Security Enterprise Section: 88970934; Arms and Ammunitions Section: 88970925/88970926

Public Security Police Force Headquarters Building

3/F and 4/F, Public Security Police Force Headquarters Building, Praceta de 1 de Outubro, Macao

Special arrangements

Service operation maintains normal for the following item:


Application and payment for “Remunerated Labour Service” (service of off-duty police officers)

Arrangements for other issues

The Force appeals to the individuals concerned that there is no need for them to rush to the service locations for formalities unless for emergencies. Those who visit the service locations for formalities have to wear a mask, undergo a temperature check and present a green health code, or they may be refused entry.


Tel. no. for immigration enquiries

2872 5488

Tel. no. for traffic enquiries

2837 4214

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