
Fringe activities spark vibes for Light up Macao Drone Gala 2022 Extravaganza poised to enchant audience on Labor Day Holidays

Macao Government Tourism Office
2022-04-28 17:37
  • Trial flight for Light up Macao Drone Gala 2022

  • Trial flight for Light up Macao Drone Gala 2022

  • Trial flight for Light up Macao Drone Gala 2022

  • Trial flight for Light up Macao Drone Gala 2022

  • Trial flight for Light up Macao Drone Gala 2022

  • Trial flight for Light up Macao Drone Gala 2022

  • Big Big Drone Exhibition

  • Big Big Drone Exhibition

  • Drone Formation Display

  • Show schedule of Light up Macao Drone Gala 2022

  • Poster for Light up Macao Drone Gala 2022

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Organized by Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO), the Light up Macao Drone Gala 2022 (the “Drone Gala”) will present an array of eight spectacular drone shows above Nam Van Lake on four nights — Labor Day Holidays (1 and 2 May) and the ensuing weekend (7 and 8 May). Big Big Drone Exhibition and Drone Formation Display have kicked off as fringe activities to spark vibes for the extravaganza, while the prize-giving game is now online, all welcoming residents and visitors to join.

Fantastic shows with sophisticated dedication

Themed as “Macao for All Seasons”, the Drone Gala will be staged above Nam Van Lake at 8 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. on the four nights of 1, 2, 7 and 8 May. Trial flights took place last night (27 April) in preparation for the first show.

During the eight shows, 16 patterns will be much anticipated as feasts for the eyes. Themed as “Spring Rejoice” on the first night, there will be float parade and fireworks, MAK MAK, floral wreath and flower fairy. Themed as “Fun-Tastic Summer” on the second night, there will be hot air balloon of love, carp, lantern and Feast of the Drunken Dragon. Themed as “Golden Fall Delights” on the third night, there will be the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, toasting + VIVA, Chang'e flying to the moon and Celebration for the National Day. Themed as “A Merry Winter” on the fourth night, there will be romantic gift, Macau Grand Prix, snow flurry and reindeer.

This year, 880 drones will be choreographed into various patterns highlighted by lighting and music in every 15-minute show. The spectacles will illuminate Macao’s night sky as nighttime entertainment for locals and visitors, deepening integration across “tourism +”.

Colorful fringe activities spark vibes ahead

MGTO rolls out a variety of fringe activities this year to spark public interest and involvement in the Drone Gala. Big Big Drone Exhibition and Drone Formation Display are now open.

Big Big Drone Exhibition is showcasing a 5-meter-long gigantic drone (unmanned aerial vehicle for passenger travel) under the white canopy at Nam Van Lake Nautical Centre from 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. until 8 May. Drone Formation Display is presenting a 200-drone formation of “I ♡ MACAO” at Anim’Arte NAM VAN at 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. from now until 30 April and from 3 – 6 May.

Two other fringe activities, “Macao for All Seasons” Photography Contest and “Drone Sky Art” Formation Design Contest, welcome entries from residents and visitors from 1 May – 31 May 2022. 

For more information about the fringe activities, please visit MGTO’s website: https://www.macaotourism.gov.mo/en/.

Play online game for prizes

The online game with prizes is now available on the website:  https://drone-games.ad-on.mo/temp.html. From now until 8 May, the public can play the game, save and redeem reward points for different prizes and special offers from local businesses, as well as join the lucky draw. The prizes include admission tickets to tourism projects, dining coupons and hotel accommodation offered by the six partner entities for the event — Melco Resorts & Entertainment, Wynn, Sands China Ltd., Galaxy Entertainment Group, SJM Resorts, S.A. and MGM.

Online and offline promotional campaign   

MGTO is widening the publicity for the Drone Gala through various offline and online channels such as WeChat, Weibo, Xiaohongshu, Douyin, travel influencers’ platforms and news websites in the Mainland, besides release of promotional videos, to promote the drone extravaganza and Macao as a safe and quality destination among Mainland visitors. MGTO will live broadcast the eight drone shows on MGTO’s official WeChat channel and Weibo account, MGTO’s Facebook pages “Stopover Macao” and “Experience Macao” for enjoyment of audiences who cannot view the spectacles on site.

Strict compliance with pandemic prevention guidelines

Upon admission to the designated audience area set up from Anim’Arte NAM VAN to the vicinity of the great white canopy by the lake, spectators are required to present their green Macao Health Code, scan the venue code, undergo temperature checks and maintain social distance, as well as to wear masks throughout the time on site. Audience can also enjoy the shows on TDM – Macao TV Channel, TDM Entertainment TV Channel and HD Channel No. 3 of Macau Cable TV with the synchronized music and narration streaming from TDM - Radio Macao's Chinese Channel (FM100.7) every scheduled evening.

All performers and staffers who participate in this event will fulfill the requirements of the “Prevention of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia – Advice on the Management of Collective Festive Events, and Recreational and Sports Activities” issued by Health Bureau, i.e. having received two doses of COVID-19 vaccine or taken a nucleic acid test for COVID-19.

Adverse weather contingency plan

The functions, performance and connectivity of drones are subject to variations in wind speed and rainfall rate. The shows can take place under suitable conditions at the wind speed of 31 – 40 km/hour or below without any rainfall. MGTO will consider the weather forecast of the Macao Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau and assess the actual situation. If the situation requires postponement or cancellation of the shows, the Office will seek to announce the news to the public as soon as possible.

Temporary traffic restrictions

Vehicle access limitation will be implemented on rehearsal days (27 – 30 April, 3 – 6 May) as well as on the show days (1, 2, 7 and 8 May), along the section of Avenida Panorâmica do Lago Nam Van (lanes by the lakeside). Pedestrians will be prohibited from accessing the Governador Nobre de Carvalho Bridge during the shows on 1, 2, 7 and 8 May.

Support of various entities for a wonderful extravaganza 

The Light up Macao Drone Gala 2022 is organized by MGTO with four co-organizers including Municipal Affairs Bureau, Sports Bureau, Transport Bureau and Civil Aviation Authority, as well as six partner entities including Melco Resorts & Entertainment, Wynn, Sands China Ltd., Galaxy Entertainment Group, SJM Resorts, S.A. and MGM. TDM and Macau Cable TV are supporting entities for the event.

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