
Cultural Affairs Bureau to hold a talk on online film distribution next Wednesday

Cultural Affairs Bureau
2022-04-20 12:58
The Youtube video is unavailable

To enhance the professional knowledge of Macao’s film and television practitioners in film distribution and promotion, the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym) will hold a talk on online film distribution on 27 April (Wednesday) at 3:30pm at the Macau Cultural & Creative Integrated Services Centre. Representatives of the film industry from the Mainland and Macao will be invited to discuss and exchange ideas on the current situation of online film distribution. Members of the public can also watch the live stream of the event simultaneously on the day of the event via the Macao Cultural and Creative Industries Website’s Facebook page “Macau CCI”.

With the growing interest in Macao’s film and television productions, a key emerging issue concerns how to promote the steady development of the industry and open up markets for film and television productions. To this end, IC will hold a talk on online film distribution, inviting the representative of Shenzhen ROC FILM Culture Media Company Limited Xiong Peng, founder of 1220 Film Production Co., Ltd. Chong Cho Kio, and director of Free Dream Production Studio Lou Ka Hou to share their insights on the development of online film and television distribution platforms in the Mainland and the channels for film and television productions to enter the market. The talk aims to enable the local film and television practitioners and related professionals to learn about the channels of online film and television distribution. There will be a question-and-answer session.

The talk will be conducted in Mandarin and Cantonese, and no interpretation services will be provided. Interested parties can register with IC’s “Activities Registration System” ( www5.icm.gov.mo/eform2/event ) from today and those who have successfully registered can go to the Macau Cultural & Creative Integrated Services Centre (address: 6/F, Edf. Industrial Man Kei, No. 48, Avenida do Coronel Mesquita, Macao) to participate in the live discussion on the day of the event. The event will be held both online and offline, and members of the public can watch the live stream on the Macao Cultural and Creative Industries Website’s Facebook page “Macau CCI” ( www.facebook.com/macaucci ).

IC has been strictly following the anti-epidemic guidelines of the Health Bureau and implementing appropriate measures for cultural activities. To facilitate the SAR Government’s epidemic prevention efforts, on-site participants must wear masks, undergo body temperature checks, presents a valid “Venue QR code” (also known as “Venue code”) and a valid “Macao Health Code”, maintain social distancing, and follow the on-site anti-epidemic and crowd control measures. For enquiries, please contact the staff members of IC, Mr Kuan through tel. no. 8399 6295 or Mr Chong through tel. no. 8399 6256 during office hours.

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