Package tours and hotel occupancy rate for November 2021
Statistics and Census Service
2021-12-29 11:06
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Information from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) indicated that a total of 116 hotels & guesthouses offered accommodation services to the public in November 2021, a decrease of 3 year-on-year. Meanwhile, number of available guest rooms increased by 0.6% to 35,000. Data on hotels & guesthouses designated for medical observation and self-health monitoring were excluded in the compilation of the results. The average occupancy rate of guest rooms stood at 46.8%, representing a growth of 2.0 percentage points month-on-month and a rise of 2.8 percentage points year-on-year; both 3-star and 4-star hotels outperformed the sector’s average, at 53.0% and 52.9% respectively.

The number of guests of hotels & guesthouses in November rose by 1.3% year-on-year to 481,000, with Mainland guests (393,000) decreasing by 2.9% while local guests (60,000) increasing by 25.6%. Meanwhile, the average length of stay of guests grew by 0.2 night year-on-year to 1.8 nights.

From January to November this year, the average occupancy rate of guest rooms was 49.6%, up by 23.3 percentage points year-on-year. The number of guests of hotels & guesthouses surged by 80.9% year-on-year to 5,961,000, and their average length of stay extended by 0.1 night to 1.8 nights.

There were about 1,600 visitors joining local tours in November. More than 5,000 outbound residents used services of travel agencies, and 96.2% of them visited mainland China. From January to November 2021, number of visitors joining local tours leapt by 124.4% year-on-year to 37,000, and outbound residents using services of travel agencies increased by 23.5% to 138,000.

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