2022 Policy Address highlights concerted effort to open up new horizons
Government Information Bureau
2021-11-16 21:41
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The Chief Executive, Mr Ho Iat Seng, today said general principles for the Government’s policies for 2022 would be: pandemic prevention; the stabilisation of economic recovery; protection of livelihoods; promotion of economic diversification; the strengthening of cooperation; and the exploration of development opportunities.

Mr Ho delivered this afternoon, at the Legislative Assembly, the Policy Address for the Fiscal Year 2022, titled “Making Concerted Efforts to Open Up New Horizons”.

During the Legislative Assembly session, Mr Ho gave a review of the Government’s work done so far for 2021, and shared his insights on development trends for 2022.

Major tasks for the Government in 2022 will be implementation of: the Second Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development of the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR), spanning 2021 to 2025, and of the Master Plan of the Development of the Guangdong-Macao Intensive Cooperation Zone in Hengqin.

In 2022, the Government will devote utmost effort to nine major strands of public policy, the Chief Executive outlined in the policy blueprint.

These are to:

1. Establish and secure anti-pandemic mechanism and promote stable economic recovery. Macao will closely adhere to the strategic principle of “preventing imported cases and a rebound of the epidemic”, while working to increase the overall vaccination rate among the Macao population. These efforts will help create the necessary conditions for resuming normal boundary crossing activity between Macao and the mainland, Hong Kong, and other places, and will be helpful in strengthening and optimising Macao’s response system to COVID-19.

The Government will continue to work to roll out a series of steps aimed respectively at increasing investment in the economy, cutting taxes, supporting businesses, and stabilising employment. The Government will continue implementing vigorous fiscal policies and increase public investment to expand domestic demand. A total budget of 18.30-billion patacas has been set aside under the Investment and Development Expenditure Scheme for 2022, including spending on core infrastructure facilities, public housing projects, municipal facilities, and new infrastructure.

The Government will spare no effort in assisting local small and medium-sized enterprises in their stable development, in addition to enhancing the overall business environment in Macao.

2. Foster and develop various industries to expedite adequate economic diversification. The Government will dedicate continuous effort to enriching the offerings of Macao as a world centre of tourism and leisure, promoting the quality development of the integrated tourism and leisure industry. Further effort will be made to foster and develop a “big health” industry, with traditional Chinese medicine research and development as an entry point, while boosting new growth points for other nascent industries, i.e., modern financial services; high and new technology industries; and cultural tourism, convention and exhibition, sports, and commercial and trade industries.

The Government will facilitate lawful, orderly and healthy development of the tourism and recreation industry. Work relating to gaming rights refreshment will be carried out accordingly.

The Government will deepen the crossover effects of the “Tourism+” public policy, with an aim to expedite recovery of the tourism industry.

Macao will make further effort to promote development of a “big health” industry, featuring research and development, and manufacturing of traditional Chinese medicines. The Government will work further to attract renowned pharmaceuticals organisations to establish a base in Macao.

In 2022, the Government will work pragmatically to forge ahead with the development of a modern financial services industry, expedite development of the science and technology industry, and facilitate professional and market-orientated development of the convention and exhibition industry.

The Chief Executive also outlined a number of measures in the policy blueprint regarding transforming and upgrading SMEs, and facilitating industrial transformation and diversification. There will be concrete effort to foster growth of the cultural and sports industries, and ensure a promotional effect for the sports industry locally, via Macao being a co-organiser of the 15th National Games.

3. Mutual discussion, joint construction, joint administration, and shared benefits for the pragmatic development of Hengqin. Macao will closely uphold the principle of “One country, two systems”, by adhering to the “one country” foundation, while also taking full advantage of Macao’s access to the “two systems” framework. There will be further effort to promote greater integration between Macao and Hengqin, via a mechanism of “mutual discussion, joint construction, joint administration, and shared benefits”, set up under the Guangdong-Macao Intensive Cooperation Zone in Hengqin.

Regarding development of new industries that will facilitate economic diversification in Macao, the Government will expedite a batch of major industrial projects with the aim of forming major platforms in the city for science and technology. The Government will compile a list of industries of interest, and formulate favourable measures supporting their development in the Cooperation Zone. The Government will strive to introduce tax policies for the Cooperation Zone that are similar to those of Macao, and the Government will intensify solicitation of businesses and investments to come to the Cooperation Zone, and work to attract innovative technology companies.

The Government will develop the Cooperation Zone as a new home for Macao residents, and one that is attractive to live and work in. The Government will facilitate the development of the Macao New Neighbourhood project in Hengqin. The building of major structures and accommodation will be started in an orderly manner, with work likely to be completed by August 2023. Further effort will be made to ensure infrastructure connectivity between Macao and Hengqin, and to promote in a pragmatic way, the facilitation of boundary-crossing clearance for people, vehicles and goods.

4. Optimise social and livelihood-related work, to enhance quality of social services. A number of welfare measures will be continued in 2022 concerning tax-waiver and tax-deduction initiatives, education, healthcare, and social security matters; the Wealth Partaking Scheme will also be continued. There will be a number of new welfare measures in view of the new development circumstance.

There are five major areas of work regarding housing policy for 2022, namely to:

1) Complete the Tamagnini Barbosa public housing project; launch construction of the superstructure of the Venceslau de Morais public housing project; and work on construction of public housing projects in New Urban Zone Area A, with the latter effort to provide a total of 4,000 units upon completion;

2) Commence construction of the superstructure of Home-Ownership Scheme projects on lots B4, B9 and B10, in New Urban Zone Area A; and ensure construction on lots A1, A2, A3, A4, and A12 will be carried out in a phased manner;

3) Facilitate advances regarding sandwich-class housing;

4) Commence superstructure construction for the senior citizens’ housing complex; and

5) Commence planning regarding land plots for private housing projects.

In addition, construction of a number of facilities for the Islands District Medical Complex will be completed within 2022. This will include: a general hospital building; an auxiliary facility building; an integrated service administration building; and a staff dormitory building. The Government will make further effort to enhance its healthcare system in order to respond to the public’s need for relevant services.

5. Safeguard and sustain national security, and the safety of Macao. By upholding the principle of “comprehensive national security”, the Government will deliver on its constitutional obligations regarding the safeguarding of national sovereignty, and of the nation’s security and development interests.

Not only will the Government consolidate the foundation for “patriots governing Macao”, but it will also enhance relevant laws and institutional safeguards in support of this principle.

It will enhance legislation related to national security, and forge ahead with the amendment to the Law on Safeguarding National Security, and legislative work regarding the bill on interception and protection of communications. Meanwhile law enforcement on national security will be strengthened, and the operations in relevant public agencies will be optimised.

Innovative ways will be employed to promote the Constitution and the MSAR Basic Law in order to raise the public’s awareness of the legal principles enshrined in these documents.

With regard to public security, the Government will bolster the urban safety system by initiating the removal of the provisional warehouse for heating fuels, and the construction of a permanent storage depot for hazardous goods. 

The police force will be strengthened through technology; collaboration with mainland China and neighbouring regions regarding crime prevention will be enhanced.

6. Deepen public administration reform and strengthen legislation in major areas. The authorisation powers and accountability systems relative to public officials of various ranks will be reviewed and optimised, to ensure such powers are not exceeded in relation to personnel and fiscal affairs.

Reforms will be made regarding the rank system, recruitment, promotion, and transfer of civil servants. In addition, training in the civil service will be enhanced. A series of thematic training programmes will be introduced in phases for civil servants at all levels. Training programmes will cover respectively: the Constitution and the MSAR Basic Law; the Law on Safeguarding National Security; the latest developments in the nation, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the MSAR; and Chinese culture.

The development of e-government will be enhanced by the introduction of the 2.0 version of “My One-Stop Public Services Account”.

The Government will also optimise supervision of public corporations and autonomous funds.

Furthermore, the Government will work together with the Legislative Assembly to complete the 17 tasks listed in the legislative plan for 2022. These include the drafting of bills respectively on public corporations, water leaks in residential buildings, talent importation, and housing for the sandwich class, as well as the amendment to the Law on Safeguarding National Security.

7. Enhance education, youth development, cultural and sport affairs, and perfect the system for importing talented people. The Government is planning to build schools in the New Urban Zone Area A, to replace some existing schools that lack access to open spaces for their students.

Innovative development of tertiary education will be facilitated. The Macao Polytechnic Institute will be renamed Macao Polytechnic University, and it will strive to become one of the leading universities in applied sciences in the Asia-Pacific region.

Meanwhile the Government will continue to enhance patriotic education in order to nurture patriotism among students and other young people, and will support young people to further their studies, undertake internships and take part in the development of the Greater Bay Area.

With regard to culture, the Government will begin the compilation of the Macao Local Records – the first official chronicles of the city. It will also organise the Macao International Cultural Forum. The first edition is to be held in 2022, under the theme “Maritime Silk Road”.

The Government will give full support to athletes taking part in the 19th Asian Games, and will actively take part in preparations and work to co-organise the 15th National Games.

A high-level assessment mechanism will be set up for the admission to Macao of talented people, and criteria will be laid down for their entry in relation to various fields. Priority will be given to the importation of talent in four key industries, namely “big health”, modern finance, high and new technology, and culture and sport. Macao will also seek out other high-end talent that it needs but currently lacks.

8. Perfect urban planning, to build a smart and liveable city. Detailed urban planning will be conducted in phases. It will start with work for New Urban Zone Area A in 2022, in order to lay down zoning benchmarks for public housing and other facilities in the area, in accordance with the Macao Urban Master Plan.

The transport network will be improved, and the Macao Road Traffic and Transport Planning Study (2021-2030) will be completed.

The Government will also begin remodelling work on part of the Taipa Ferry Terminal to create a new passenger terminal for Macau International Airport.

In addition, the Ka-Ho Tunnel will be inaugurated and opened to traffic in 2022.

In the field of environmental protection, the Government will ban the import of non-degradable disposable plastic straws and drink stirrers; complete the planning of reclaimed water facilities and related pipeline networks; and begin the construction of a sewage treatment plant on the artificial island of the Macao checkpoint for the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge.

The land management information system will be optimised, the mechanism for land management will be improved, and municipal infrastructure projects will also be facilitated.

The development of the 5G communication network will be expedited by the issuance of 5G licences in 2022.

9. Actively promote regional cooperation to integrate Macao into the overall national development plan. Coordination will be strengthened in work regarding regional cooperation, and cooperation with mainland China in a variety of areas will be enhanced.

Cooperation in key areas of finance, trade, technological innovation, customs clearance, and livelihood issues in the Greater Bay Area will be facilitated, and the Government will actively cooperate with other authorities regarding the Greater Bay Area’s technology innovation corridor.

The Government will seek breakthroughs in customs clearance policy, by jointly establishing a “Single Window” integrated customs services platform with Guangdong, in order to facilitate the movement of goods between the province and the MSAR.

Meanwhile, the Government will encourage Macao enterprises to participate in major national events such as the China International Import Expo. The Government will also expand the functions of Macao’s role as a platform between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, and will give full support to preparations for the 6th Ministerial Meeting of the Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries.

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