“Fab 40” Online Activity Series to intensify the atmosphere of Macao International Marathon
Sports Bureau
2021-11-16 17:31
  • 2021 Galaxy Entertainment Macao International Marathon will be held on 5 December

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The 2021 Galaxy Entertainment Macao International Marathon, jointly organized by the Sports Bureau and the General Association of Athletics of Macau, will be held on 5 December 2021.  On the occasion of the 40th edition, the “Fab 40” online activity series will be held to engage residents, tourists and participants in the 2021 Galaxy Entertainment Macao International Marathon in various ways, and immerse everyone in the joyful and lively atmosphere of the event.

The “Fab 40” online activity series kick off with “40 Years of Marathon Together” Photo Collection activity, “Fab 40” Marathon Photo Sharing and Lucky Draw and “40 Years of Running” WeChat game.

“40 Years of Marathon Together” Photo Collection Activity

Since inaugurated in 1981, the Macao International Marathon has featured many unforgettable memories and stories from the participants in the previous 39 editions.  Contributors may send any copyrighted photos and photos of items related to the Macao International Marathon, via email with title “40 Years of Marathon Together” Photo Collection Activity to dperi@sport.gov.mo, together with captions and a contact phone number.  Contributors whose photos are accepted and published will win a complete set of 40th Macao International Marathon souvenirs.

“Fab 40” Marathon Photo Sharing and Lucky Draw

Participants for the “Fab 40” Marathon Photo Sharing and Lucky Draw may take photos related to the 2021 Galaxy Entertainment Macao International Marathon between 15 November and 5 December, and upload the photos to their personal accounts on social media platforms.  They can then upload a screenshot of the post to www.macaomarathon.com/en/fab40 or via the Macao International Marathon mobile app, and fill in their personal information to enter the lucky draw.  Prizes include a car, hotel accommodation, F&B vouchers and cinema tickets.

For more information, please visit the official website www.macaomarathon.com, the ‘Macao Major Sporting Events’ Facebook page, or the ‘Macao Major Sporting Events’ WeChat official account.

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To get the latest official news, please subscribe the Government Information Bureau’s Telegram News Channel at https://t.me/macaogcsEN.
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