
Possible warning signals to be issued due to the impact on "Lionrock" (Update Time: 2021-10-09 19:00)

Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau
2021-10-09 18:58
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Possible warning signals to be issued due to the impact on "Lionrock"

Update Time: 2021-10-09 19:00

Signals Forecast Period Probability
Typhoon Signal No.8 In effect
Typhoon Signal No.9 Relatively low
"blue" Storm Surge Warning In effect
"yellow" Storm Surge Warning Relatively low

Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.8SE is still in effect. At 7pm, tropical storm “Lionrock” is located at 460km west-southwest of Macao and has entered Beibu Gulf. Since the heavy rain area caused by the combined effect of “Lionrock” and the northeast monsoon is still continuously affecting the Pearl River Estuary, the wind in Macao occasionally reaches level 7-8. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.8SE will remain in effect for a period of time. It is forecasted that the weather in Macao will still be unstable between tonight and early tomorrow, with occasional heavy showers and thunderstorms.

Due to the astronomical tide being in high phase, there may be flooding in the Inner Harbour Area tonight caused by the combined effect of the astronomical tide and the strong wind. The flooding level is forecasted to be below 0.5 m.

Meanwhile, the tropical storm “Kompasu” located east of the Philippines is expected to move towards the Luzon Strait at the beginning of next week. SMG will closely monitor the latest situation. The public are advised to pay attention to the latest weather news and take precautionary measures.

Remarks: The probabilities of issuing severe weather warning signals for the next one or two days are provided in the table. Public can learn the possibility of being affected by the tropical cyclone over the specific period of time in Macao so that necessary precautions can be well prepared earlier. Please keep notice of our latest information.

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