
CE directs response to passage of Typhoon Lionrock amid ongoing anti-epidemic effort

Government Information Bureau
2021-10-09 20:26
  • The Chief Executive, Mr Ho Iat Seng, visits the Civil Protection Operations Centre to learn more on the work preparation in response to Typhoon Lionrock and epidemic prevention and control.

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The Chief Executive, Mr Ho Iat Seng, today directed Macao’s civil protection management team to employ the utmost effort in responding to any adverse situations linked to the passage of Typhoon Lionrock, in the meantime maintaining effort to cope with existing epidemic prevention and control work.

The Chief Executive reviewed Macao’s storm-condition preparations during a meeting held at the Civil Protection Operations Centre, coinciding with Typhoon Signal No. 8 being in force. A Typhoon Signal No. 8 was issued at 6am today.

Mr Ho thanked public-sector workers for their contribution to preparing for storm conditions, amid the putting in place of new anti-epidemic measures. The civil protection management team was experienced in dealing with typhoon-related conditions; and preparations had been updated and arrangements put in place in a timely way, Mr Ho said.

According to meteorological information, there may be flooding in the Inner Harbour area tonight, caused by the combined effect of a high astronomical tide and strong wind associated with the passing weather system.

The Chief Executive gave directives to the civil protection team to minimise the harm caused by flooding; to assist people in need to evacuate from low-lying areas; and to ensure the safety of the public and their property. Mr Ho also called for strong effort to ensure maintenance of social order in the aftermath of the typhoon’s passage. 

During the meeting at the Civil Protection Operations Centre, the Chief Executive additionally talked about epidemic control work, asking the Health Bureau and other departments to carry out anti-epidemic work in a stringent and cautious manner, to ensure the safety of the community and resumption of proper social order as soon as possible.

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