
Postpone the Issuance of “Insects” and Commemorative Cancelation Service of “World Post Day - UPU”

Macao Post and Telecommunications Bureau
2021-10-09 13:36
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Being affected by the typhoon, Macao Post and Telecommunications Bureau decided to cancel today’s (9th October) new stamp issue and commemorative postmark cancellation service. The sales of new stamps “Insects”, distribution of commemorative envelope of “World Post Day – UPU” and the hand-back services (cancel date will be the original issue date: 9th October)of the above special postmarks will be postponed to 11thOctober. However, the mailing service of the above two special postmarks will not be available.

On 11th October, the above two services will only be available at Philatelic Shop of General Post Office, from 9:00 to 17:30.

For the prevention of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia, citizens who enter the premises of CTT are required to wear masks, present “Macao Health Code” and cope with the crowd management measures of CTT.

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