
Results of hotels and similar establishments survey 2020

Statistics and Census Service
2021-09-20 15:46
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Information from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) indicated that a total of 124 hotels & guesthouses were open for business in 2020, an increase of 2 year-on-year; total number of persons engaged decreased by 9,181 to 42,672. Receipts of the sector plunged by 66.2% year-on-year to MOP 12.93 billion on account of a decline of 62.2 percentage points in the average occupancy rate of guest rooms (28.6%) amid the novel coronavirus pandemic. Expenditure of the sector dropped by 34.2% year-on-year to MOP 22.22 billion. With expenditure exceeding receipts, the sector recorded a deficit of MOP 9.36 billion. Gross Value Added that measures the sectoral contribution to the economy amounted to MOP 2.18 billion, a plunge of 88.8% year-on-year. Meanwhile, Gross Fixed Capital Formation of the sector dropped by 51.0% year-on-year to MOP 3.34 billion attributable to a reduction in major repairs in 2020.

Number of hotels increased by 1 year-on-year to 85 in 2020, while number of persons engaged decreased by 9,149 to 42,407. Receipts of the hotels tumbled by 66.3% year-on-year to MOP 12.88 billion, with those from Rental of Space (MOP 4.27 billion), Room Sales & In-room Services (MOP 4.06 billion) and provision of Food & Beverages (MOP 2.76 billion) dropping by 48.9%, 77.2% and 68.1% respectively. Expenditure of the hotels went down by 34.2% year-on-year to MOP22.15 billion, of which Compensation of Employees (MOP 11.52 billion), Operating Expenses (MOP 9.30 billion) and Purchase of Goods & Commission Paid (MOP 1.34 billion) decreased by 22.6%, 38.1% and 64.6% respectively.

Analysed by classification, receipts of the 36 five-star hotels plummeted by 66.7% year-on-year to MOP 10.03 billion, and the expenditure dropped by 34.2% to MOP 17.82 billion. These hotels recorded a deficit of MOP 7.85 billion in 2020. Meanwhile, hotels of other ratings registered year-on-year decrease in both receipts and expenditure, and posted varying degrees of deficit.

Number of guesthouses totalled 39, an increase of 1 year-on-year; total number of persons engaged decreased by 32 to 265. Receipts of these guesthouses slid by 52.6% year-on-year to MOP 41.98 million, with those from Room Sales (MOP 39.13 million) dropping by 55.5%. Expenditure edged down by 0.1% year-on-year to MOP 68.24 million, of which Compensation of Employees (MOP 26.50 million) went down by 9.0% while Operating Expenses (MOP 40.92 million) rose by 7.6%. The guesthouses registered a deficit of MOP 26.45 million in 2020 ascribable to a relatively large decline in receipts.

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