Annual Activities of Communications Museum
Macao Post and Telecommunications Bureau
2021-09-10 12:00
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In order to continue promoting the popularity of telecommunications science and technology, Communications Museum is going to launch two annual activities, Science and Arts Activity for Primary Students 2021 and Electronic Device Construction Competition 2022, to let students explore interesting scientific phenomena and principles in order to foster their spirit of “Dare to experiment. Dare to discover.” through competitions. The Science and Arts Activity for Primary Students aims to encourage students to bring into their artistic and scientific creativity, while the Electronic Device Construction Competition for high school students aims to encourage students to participate in teams to design and make their own electronic device to complete a set of designated tasks which in the way, showing their knowledge of science through practical application.

Science and Arts Activity for Primary Students, 2021

This year, the Science and Arts Activity for Primary Students is co-organized by Communications Museum and Macao Society of Biomedical Engineering, with the theme Science on the Playground. Participants are required to submit short video clips in which they can record different scientific related phenomena and activities happening at playgrounds, and present it lively and interestingly with scientific explanation. Submitted works have no limitations in presentation: experiments, surveys, dramas, documentaries, speeches, debates, interviews and other creative forms are all accepted.  

Participation in this year’s activity will be divided into Groups A (P.1~P.4) and B (P.5~P.6). Winners in each Group will be awarded with attractive prizes. Online registrations and works upload must be submitted no later than 23:59:59 at 01/12/2021 (Wednesday), on the museum website with a designated link.

Electronic Device Construction Competition, 2022

This year’s Electronic Device Construction Competition is co-organized by Communications Museum and IEEE Macao with the theme River Crossing Riddle”. Participants are required to design and make a remote controlled device that can transport and deliver objects. The competition will divide into Junior and Senior Secondary Groups. Junior Secondary Groups have to control their device crossing the river and arrive at the finishing point as fast as possible, while Senior Secondary Groups have to control their device to transport and deliver target animals across the river within time limit. The date and time of the preliminary competition stage will be divided by drawing according to the number of registered teams, and eight highest scores teams during the preliminary competition stage will proceed to the presentation stage. Winners of each Group will be awarded with attractive prizes.

For the competition’s briefing session, a video file will be uploaded on 10/9/2021 on the museum website. Online registration starts from now until 18/10/2021 (Monday) at 22:00:00 on the museum website. Students enthusiastic to join the competition are welcome to participate either in a team or individually. 

For more details, related to the activities mentioned above, please refer to the Communications Museum website (

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