
Package tours and hotel occupancy rate for June 2021

Statistics and Census Service
2021-07-29 10:10
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Information from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) indicated that a total of 116 hotels & guesthouses were open for business in June 2021, an increase of 7 year-on-year; number of available guest rooms rose by 1.7% to 35,000. Data on hotels & guesthouses designated for medical observation were excluded in the compilation of the results. The average occupancy rate of guest rooms surged by 33.5 percentage points year-on-year to 45.3%; however, the rate represented a drop of 16.8 percentage points compared with May (62.1%) on account of the reinforced pandemic prevention and control measures in Guangdong Province and Macao in early June.

The number of guests checked into hotels & guesthouses leapt by 245.9% year-on-year to 469,000 in June. Mainland guests (357,000) shot up by 418.2% and local guests (83,000) saw an uplift of 56.8%. Meanwhile, the average length of stay of guests held stable year-on-year at 1.7 nights.

In the first half year of 2021, the average occupancy rate of guest rooms was 50.4%, up by 23.2 percentage points year-on-year. The number of guests of hotels & guesthouses expanded by 84.5% year-on-year to 3,378,000, while their average length of stay grew by 0.1 night to 1.8 nights.

There were no inbound package tour visitors in June while the number of visitors joining local tours added up to 6,600. Outbound residents using services of travel agencies totalled 15,000, and 98.0% of them went to mainland China. In the first half year of 2021, visitors joining local tours soared by 197.3% year-on-year to 28,000, whereas outbound residents using services of travel agencies increased by 3.5% to 91,000.

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